Tobias Weger

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Tobias Weger (* 1968 in Munich ) is a German historian and translator .

Live and act

From 1987 to 1991 Tobias Weger trained as a translator for English and French at the Languages ​​& Interpreter Institute in Munich . From 1991 to 1997 he studied modern and contemporary history , medieval history and German and comparative folklore at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He then became a research assistant in the Department of Jewish City History at the Munich City Archives . From 2002 to 2004 he was cultural advisor for Silesia at the Schlesisches Museum zu Görlitz . He then worked as a research assistant at the Federal Institute for Culture and History of Germans in Eastern Europe . In 2005 he was at the University of Oldenburg with a thesis on Sudeten German organizations in the years 1945 to 1955. Dr. phil. PhD . In 2015 he completed his habilitation at the University of Oldenburg and received the Venia legendi for Eastern European History and Modern and Contemporary History. In 2016 he gave his inaugural lecture . In 2018 he became a research assistant at the Institute for German Culture and History of Southeast Europe at LMU Munich .

Tobias Weger is primarily concerned with the history and cultural and state-political problems of Central Europe and Southeastern Europe, with the history of science in Southeastern research, with the history of church and religion, with the history of migration, the history of myths and symbols and general theoretical questions such as historical stereotype research . He translates from English and especially for his work on Southeast Europe from Polish and from Czech.

Tobias Weger is a member of the "Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies", the German Studies Association , the Johann Gottfried Herder Research Council , the commission "Cultural Contexts of Eastern Europe" (previously "Commission for German and Eastern European Folklore") the German Society for Folklore and the Board of Trustees of the Brücke / Most Foundation in Dresden. He is one of the editors of the journal Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte. International journal for theology and history .


  • with Konrad Bauer, Fritz Scherer: History of the Olching community. Olching, Esting, Geiselbullach, Grasslfing. Bayerland, Dachau 1994, ISBN 978-3-89251-184-7 .
  • National Socialist “foreign labor deployment” in a Bavarian community 1939–1945. The example of Olching (Fürstenfeldbruck district) (= Munich studies on modern and recent history. Volume 20). Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 1998, ISBN 978-3-631-32909-2 .
  • with Andreas Heusler : "Kristallnacht". Violence against Munich's Jews in November 1938. Buchendorfer, Munich 1998, ISBN 978-3-927984-86-8 .
  • On quiet paths between the Spree and Bober. A cultural and historical bicycle guide. Schlesisches Museum, Görlitz 2004, ISBN 978-83-88049-73-6 .
  • “National struggle” without end? Sudeten German Organizations, 1945–1955. Dissertation. University of Oldenburg 2005, Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 2008, ISBN 978-3-631-57104-0 .
  • Little history of Prague. Pustet, Regensburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-7917-2329-7 .
  • with Konrad Gündisch: Kaschau – Košice. A little city history. Pustet, Regensburg 2013, ISBN 978-3-7917-2479-9 .
  • Pilsen – Plzeň. Small city history. Pustet, Regensburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-7917-2656-4 .
  • Upper Silesian? Greater Frisian? Greater German! Ethnonationalism in Silesia and Friesland, 1918–1945. Habilitation thesis. University of Oldenburg 2015. De Gruyter, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-11-046098-8 .


  • with Marek Czapliński, Hans Joachim Hahn: Silesian places of memory. Memory and Identity of a Central European Region. Neisse, Görlitz 2005, ISBN 978-3-934-03833-2 .
  • with Joachim Tauber : Archive guide on the history of the Memel region and German-Lithuanian relations. Edited by Christian Gahlbeck and Vacys Vaivada. Oldenbourg, Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-486-57902-4 .
  • Cross-border biographies between Eastern and Central Europe. Effect – interaction – reception. Conference brochure. Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 2009, ISBN 978-3-631-58554-2 .
  • with Edmund Dmitrów: Germany's Eastern Neighborhoods. A collection of historical essays for Hans Henning Hahn . Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 2009, ISBN 978-3-631-57860-5 .
  • with Beate Störtkuhl, Jens Stüben: New beginnings and crises. Eastern Europe and the Germans after the First World War. Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-59797-4 .
  • with Heinke M. Kalinke, Klaus Roth : Food culture and cultural identity. Ethnological food research in Eastern Europe. Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-59233-7 .
  • with Anna Mańko-Matysiak, Eef Overgaauw: The German cultural heritage in Silesia. Questions and Perspectives. Oldenbourg, Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-486-75425-4 .
  • with Andrew Demshuk: Cultural landscapes. Transatlantic perspectives on the effects and effects of German culture and history in Eastern Europe. Conference brochure. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-486-75426-1 .
  • with Andrea Strübind : Jan Hus - 600 years of the first Reformation. Conference brochure. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-11-044361-5 .
  • with Johanna Brade : Art during the War 1914–1918. Artist from Silesia between hurray patriotism and longing for peace. Conference brochure. Oettel, Görlitz 2005, ISBN 978-3-944560-16-8 .

Tobias Weger has published over 100 specialist articles and book chapters as well as reviews in German, Austrian, French, Polish and US magazines.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. On the work of the cultural advisor for Silesia on the website of the Silesian Museum in Görlitz
  2. Eastern Europe expert gives a public lecture on the website of the University of Oldenburg, January 14, 2016.
  3. Andreas Heusler, Tobias Weger: "Kristallnacht". Violence against the Munich Jews in November 1938. Buchendorfer, Munich 1998, ISBN 978-3-927984-86-8 , p. 137.
  4. Edmund Dmitrów, Tobias Weger (Ed.): Germany's Eastern Neighborhoods. A collection of historical essays for Hans Henning Hahn . Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 2009, ISBN 978-3-631-57860-5 , p. 4 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  5. ^ Entry on the website of the journal Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte