Johann Gottfried Herder Research Councilor

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The Johann Gottfried Herder Research Council ( HFR , also Johann Gottfried Herder Research Council ) is an association of scientists to promote research into historical, sociological and cultural issues in Eastern Europe. The association is based in Marburg .

History and activity

The Herder Research Council was founded in 1950. The founding members included Hermann Aubin , Johannes Papritz , Hellmuth Weiss , Erich Keyser , Adolf Diestelkamp , Kurt Dülfer , Manfred Laubert , Herbert Schlenger , Walther Recke , Eugen Lemberg , Max Hildebert Boehm , Paul Johansen , Walter Kuhn , Hans Mortensen , Werner Markert , Emil Meynen , Theodor Oberländer , Theodor Schieder , Werner Essen and Bruno Schier . As a result, Marburg became a center of East German research alongside Göttingen in the post-war period . The Herder Research Council supports research into Eastern Central Europe by promoting scientific projects, publishing research results and organizing and conducting specialist conferences. He suggested the establishment or re-establishment of historical commissions for the former German regions and settlement areas in Eastern Europe. The Research Council forms expert commissions for musical culture, religious and church history, folklore, language and literature, economic and social sciences and contemporary history. He is since its inception by the Federal Government also supported by the provinces and since 1977th

The HFR founded the Herder Institute in Marburg on April 29, 1950 and was its sponsoring association until 1993. On the recommendation of the Science Council , the institute was legally separated from the association on January 1, 1994. Since 2006 he has published the scientific monograph series Peoples, States and Cultures in East Central Europe .

According to the statutes, the number of full members is limited to 75, plus honorary members, supporting members and corresponding members. In 2013 the association had 111 members.

President of the HFR

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thekla Kleindienst: The development of West German East European research in the field of tension between science and politics. Dissertation. Rostock University. Herder Institute, Marburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-87969-358-0 , p. 65, note 153.