Yu Family Memorial Arch

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The memorial arch of the Yu family ( Chinese  余家 碑 Pin , Pinyin Yújiā bēifāng or 余家 牌坊 , Yújiā páifāng or 余家 节 孝 坊 , Yújiā jiēxiàofāng ) in the village of Pailou (Pailoucun 牌楼 der) of the municipality of Chexi 车 溪乡 of the district Li of the prefecture-level city of Changde in the Chinese province of Hunan is a stone arch of honor from the time of the Qing Dynasty . Construction began in 1833 and was completed in 1844.

The ornate three-story arch made of white Qiyang stone is 12.7 m high. The arch was erected for the mother of Yu Ri 余 日. In the local chronicle of Li, the Zhili Lizhou zhi , the family background of the building is reported.

The arch has been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China (6-677) since 2006 .


  • Chen Guohua 陈国华 (Ed.): Qing Tongzhi Zhili Lizhou zhi jiaozhu清 同治 直隶 澧州 志 校 注. Hunan renmin chubanshe 2003; ISBN 7-5438-3510-X


  1. In Chinese referred to as paifang (páifāng 牌坊) or pailou (páilou 牌楼 / 牌樓)
  2. cf. baike.baidu.com: Qiyang shi 祁阳 石
  3. Chinese 直隶 澧州 志. Chen Guohua (2003) provided a critically annotated edition.
  4. cf. li-xian.gov.cn: Yujia paifang - found on July 9, 2010.

Coordinates: 29 ° 41 ′ 39 ″  N , 111 ° 42 ′ 21 ″  E