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Pailou in Shunde , China

The Scheintor Pailou ( Chinese  牌樓  /  牌楼 , Pinyin Pailou ) is an element of the Chinese architecture .


Pailous were built in China from wood or stone , provided with curved roofs and had several arches. As a gate of honor, their function was comparable to the European triumphal arch .


It is believed that the Chinese Pailou goes back to the Indian Torana temple gate , which was adapted to the Chinese architecture.

During the Tang Dynasty , it was known as the Dragon Head Gate ( 烏頭 門  /  乌头 门 , wūtóumén ) because the top of the two posts were painted black. Such a dragon head gate was reserved for officials from the 6th rank and above.

The construction method was standardized in the Song Dynasty . It consisted of two posts with a horizontal transom and two gates.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the names Pailou and Paifang came up and the construction became more complicated with more posts and gates.


The name is made up of the two characters “pai” ( , pái  - “inscription panel ”) and “lou” (  /  , lóu  - “multi-storey building”). Colloquially, the two terms “Pailou” ( 牌樓  /  牌楼 , páilou ) and “Paifang” ( 牌坊 , páifāng ) are often used synonymously. Strictly speaking, however, there is a structural difference between them.

Architectural difference

In Chinese architecture , the two architectural elements of the gates “ Pailou ” and “ Paifangdiffer due to their construction. A “Pailou” typically has a small roof ( 屋頂  /  屋顶 , wūdǐng ) as structural weather protection for the vertical and horizontal elements of the gate. In addition, the " Dougong " ( 斗栱 , dǒugǒng ), a typical Chinese component, belongs to the "Pailou". In contrast to the “Paifang”, they appear a bit heavier architecturally. Architecturally, a “Paifang” typically has neither of these two elements and therefore usually appears simpler and lighter. However, over time, "Paifang" with simple weather protection developed, but still retained their architectural lightness.


Pailou in Xidi ,
Anhui Province

The Chinese list of monuments includes the following pailous:

  • Nángé Páilouqún 南 阁 牌楼 群 (Pailou Group, Ming Dynasty, Yueqing , Zhejiang )
  • Tàihéyán Páilou 太和 岩 牌楼 (Qing Dynasty, Jiexiu , Shanxi )
  • Xīdìcūn Gǔ Jiànzhùqún 西递 村 古 建筑 群 ( Yi , Anhui )
  • Tángyuè Páifāngqún 棠 樾 牌坊 群 (Paifang group, Ming or Qing dynasty, Huangshan , Anhui)
Tángyuè Páifāngqún in Tangyue Village in Huangshan ,
Anhui Province

Picture gallery

See also

Web links

Commons : Pailou  - album with pictures, videos and audio files