Register of hazardous substances

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A register of hazardous substances in accordance with the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV) is a summary listing of the hazardous substances used in a company in Germany . It lists pure substances , mixtures of substances and preparations which, among other things, meet the following hazard characteristics:

  • oxidizing,
  • extremely and highly flammable,
  • flammable,
  • explosive,
  • (very poisonus,
  • harmful to health,
  • corrosive,
  • lovely,
  • sensitizing,
  • carcinogenic (carcinogenic),
  • toxic to reproduction (toxic to reproduction),
  • mutagenic,
  • Dangerous for the environment.

The register of hazardous substances also lists how and where these substances may be stored and used. The register of hazardous substances serves to protect employees in the company, but can also be a relevant point in the company's quality and hygiene management system, e.g. B. in the food industry .

The register of hazardous substances is a necessary prerequisite for carrying out the risk assessment that is mandatory for companies . In addition to safe storage and possible fire protection requirements , safety data sheets and operating instructions form an important basis for the safe and environmentally friendly handling of the hazardous substances used.

Individual evidence

  1. Hazardous substances register - definition on the BfGA website, accessed on November 13, 2018.