Against the wall (drama)

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Title: Against the wall
Original title: Against the wall
Genus: drama
Original language: German
Author: Armin Petras
Literary source: Against the wall , feature film by Fatih Akın
Publishing year: 2007
Premiere: February 15, 2007
Place of premiere: Maxim Gorki Theater , Berlin
  • "She"
  • "He"
  • (...)

The play Gegen die Wand by Armin Petras is a stage version based on the film of the same name by Fatih Akın , which premiered on February 15, 2007 at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin under the direction of Matthias Huhn .

The text version is available from Drei-Masken-Verlag.


The content of the play essentially follows the film plot , but focuses more on the "self-destructive, at the same time tender facets" of that love between the man "m" and the woman "s" and thus moves away from the special German-Turkish, to a more general problem, detached from the different cultures.


The premiere at the Maxim-Gorki-Theater took place within the series “Reading Europe - Children of the Sun 2”, which increasingly wanted to bring contemporary European subjects to the stage. It was occupied by Anika Baumann , Anne Ratte-Polle , Lutz Günzel and Peter Moltzen .

Further productions followed in 2008 at the Mecklenburg State Theater in Schwerin (here directed by Þorleifur Örn Arnarsson ) and at the TAM in Bielefeld .


After the successful Schwerin premiere, Manfred Zelt from the Schweriner Volkszeitung positively emphasized that Petras had “adapted, not adopted , the film Gegen die Wand . The focus is on the story of two people who want to be together without being able to. ”He saw an“ extreme search for home without messing around - in themselves, in the other ”. In 2007, after the premiere in Berlin, Hartmut Krug from Deutschlandfunk complained that Gegen die Wand had "been deprived of everything" Turkish "in this stage version and saw the attempt at adaptation failed.


  2. Manfred Zelt: Generation uncertainty, theater review Schweriner Volkszeitung, June 3, 2008