Yellow-throated Vireo

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Yellow-throated Vireo
Yellow-throated vireo (Vireo flavifrons)

Yellow-throated vireo ( Vireo flavifrons )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Corvoidea
Family : Vireos (Vireonidae)
Genre : Actual Vireos ( Vireo )
Type : Yellow-throated Vireo
Scientific name
Vireo flavifrons
Vieillot , 1808

The yellow-throated vireo ( Vireo flavifrons ) is an American songbird.


The 15 cm long bird has an olive green top, yellow chest and throat, and white belly and rump. It also has light yellow circles under the eyes and dark wings with white wing stripes.


The yellow-throated vireo lives in thickets and forest edges in southeast Canada and the eastern United States. It hibernates in northern South America.


Outside of the breeding season, the yellow-throated vireo is a loner who usually looks for insects high up in the leafy treetops. It is considered a fairly tame bird that observers can easily approach.


In a basket-shaped nest that hangs from a branch, three to five eggs are incubated for twelve days.


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Commons : Yellow-throated Vireo ( Vireo flavifrons )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files