Gellért Békés

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Békés Gellért OSB.jpg

Gellért Békés OSB (born January 3, 1915 in Budapest , † July 29, 1999 in Sankt Lambrecht ) was a Hungarian theologian.


He was born into a merchant family in Józsefváros . He graduated from the Benedictine Secondary School St. Benedict in Budapest. In the meantime he was a scout and editor of the Benedictine school newspaper.

On August 6, 1932 joined the Benedictine order. She made a solemn vow on September 12, 1938 and was ordained a priest on September 11, 1938. In 1940 he received his doctorate in theology and received his doctorate at the Anselmianum. From 1946 to 1992 he was a professor at the Universities of Anselmianum and Gregoriana . Gellért Békés died in July 1999 at the age of 84

Fonts (selection)

  • as editor with Vilmos Vajta: Unitatis redintegratio 1964–1974. An assessment of the effects of the Ecumenical Decree . Frankfurt am Main 1977, ISBN 3-7820-0373-X .
  • as editor with Harding Meyer : Confess one faith. “Confessio fidei” - a Roman colloquium. 3rd-8th November 1980 . Frankfurt am Main 1982, ISBN 3-7820-0476-0 .
  • Eucaristia e chiesa. Ricerca dell'unità nel dialogo ecumenico . Casale Monferrato 1985, OCLC 18676667 .
  • as editor: Mindszenty József a népbíróság előtt . Budapest 1989, ISBN 963-02-6858-2 .


  • Miscellanea Gerardo J. Békés OSB octogenario dedicata. 1. Unum omnes in Christ, in unitatis servitio . Pannonhalma 1995, ISBN 963-00-1843-8 .

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