Joint German occupational safety strategy

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The Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy (GDA) was agreed by the federal government, the federal states and the statutory accident insurance providers on the basis of international and European requirements and was confirmed in November 2007 by the 84th Conference of Labor and Social Affairs Ministers of the Länder (ASMK).

It is the result of a discussion on the continuation or further development of the dual occupational safety system in Germany. The aim of the Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy is to maintain and promote the safety and health of employees through coordinated occupational safety, supplemented by measures to promote health in the workplace . To this end, the safety and health awareness of employers and employees is to be increased in particular .

The federal government, the federal states and the accident insurance institutions want to act more closely in the area of prevention and on the basis of jointly defined occupational safety goals. The cooperation between the supervisory services of the statutory accident insurance companies and the labor protection authorities of the federal states in advising and monitoring companies is to be improved and the rules and regulations in labor protection become more user-friendly and transparent. The Bundestag passed the law to modernize statutory accident insurance . Through this article law, the Seventh Book of the Social Security Code and the Occupational Safety and Health Act were supplemented by corresponding passages.


The GDA includes the development of common occupational safety goals, the definition of priority fields of action as well as cornerstones for work programs and their implementation according to uniform principles. All activities and results of the GDA are evaluated and checked using suitable indicators. At the same time, the GDA aims to establish a coordinated approach by the state authorities responsible for occupational safety and the accident insurance institutions in advising and monitoring companies in order to create understandable, clear and coordinated regulations and rules.

The GDA is being developed and updated by the National Occupational Safety and Health Conference. This has also been anchored in the Accident Insurance Modernization Act.

See also

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