Georg Kofler (legal scholar)

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Georg Kofler (born September 26, 1977 in Linz , Austria ) is an Austrian legal scholar and professor of financial law and tax law at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz .


After graduating from high school in 1995, Georg Kofler studied law and business administration at the JKU. In 2002 he completed his doctorate in law with distinction, and a year later he completed his doctorate in social and economic sciences, also with distinction. From 2003 to 2004 he completed a postgraduate LL.M. degree in International Tax Law at the New York University School of Law (degree: “Master of Laws”). In 2006, he completed his habilitation in finance and tax law, with special emphasis on international and European tax law and taxation at the JKU. After working as a lecturer at the JKU and as Acting Assistant Professor of Tax Law in the International Program (ITP) of the New York University School of Law, he accepted the position of university professor for finance and tax law at the JKU in 2008 and was Visiting professor at the University of Florida (2013 and 2018) and the University of Sydney (2016). In 2009 he was also employed in the department for international tax law at the Federal Ministry of Finance .

Kofler is the author or publisher of several specialist books and the author of over 300 essays and contributions in compilations in the field of Austrian, international and European tax law and has won several scientific awards. He is also a lecturer at several domestic and foreign postgraduate courses, deputy head of the working group "Constitutional Law, Union Law and Financial Equalization (including State and Municipal Taxes)" of the Specialized Senate for Tax Law of the Chamber of Tax Advisors and Auditors (KSW), head of the "ECJ Task Force "of CFE Tax Advisers Europe and member of the Permanent Scientific Committee of the International Fiscal Association (IFA). The science magazine of the Falter heureka! In 2007, Kofler voted among the 30 best young researchers in Austria.

Main focus of work and research

  • Corporate taxation and reorganization
  • Primary and secondary Union law in the area of ​​direct taxation
  • Austrian, international and European tax policy
  • External tax law and double taxation agreements
  • Financial Constitutional Law and Financial Equalization Law


  • Award of the habilitation thesis a. a. with the Mitchell B. Caroll Prize of the International Fiscal Association, the Albert Hensel Prize of the German Tax Law Society and the Wolfgang Gassner Science Prize of the IFA Regional Group Austria (2007)
  • Hauser Global Scholarship from the New York University School of Law and Flora S. and Jacob Newman Award for distinction in the LL.M. International Tax Program (2004)
  • Award of the legal dissertation with the Ludwig Scharinger Prize and the Walter Haslinger Prize (2002)

Web links

References and comments

  2. Source: