Georg Wilhelm Saxer

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Georg Wilhelm Dietrich Saxer († March 1740 in Lübeck ) was a German composer and organist at the North German organ school .

Saxer was first organist in Celle , then in Lüneburg, where he worked first at St. Lamberti and from 1734 at St. Johannis . From 1737 until his death in 1740, Saxer was the organist at the Jakobikirche in Lübeck . His widow married his successor as organist and master craftsman to Jakobi, Caspar Georg Sellschopp (1712–1774).

In the Leipzig collective manuscript II.2.2.51, three organ works by Saxer have been preserved with the following titles and all of which consist of a prelude and fugue :

  • Prelude ex E. ♮ .
  • Prelude ex F
  • Prelude ex D.fis

Apel describes these pieces as “quite brilliant, even if a bit dry at times” and considers the D major prelude to be the most successful.


  • Willi Apel: History of organ and piano music up to 1700. Bärenreiter, Kassel 1967, pp. 623–624
  • Wilhelm steel: music history of Lübeck. Volume II: Sacred Music. Kassel and Basel: Bärenreiter 1952, p. 114