George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education

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The George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education is an award from the American Chemical Society (ACS Division on Chemical Education) in chemistry education. It has been awarded annually since 1952. It was formerly called the ACS Award in Chemical Education .

The award is named after George C. Pimentel , who was a 1990 award winner and co-author and editor of a widely used high school textbook on chemistry ( Chemistry- an experimental science , 1963), and is endowed with $ 5,000.

In addition to pure teaching (school, university, adult education, etc.), achievements in organization and administration, influential writings, public education or educational research and methodology are also recognized. There are no restrictions on nationality, educational background or anything else when it comes to awarding the prize.

In addition to ACS, the sponsor is currently the publisher Cengage Learning . Various companies in the chemical industry used to be the sponsors, first Scientific Apparatus Makers Association and later Rohm and Haas and Dow Chemical, among others.

Award winners

Web links

  1. Linda Wang: ACS 2021 national award winners. In: American Chemical Society , August 13, 2020, accessed August 16, 2020 .