George Turner (anthropologist)

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George Turner (* 1817 ; † 1891 ) was a British missionary of the London Missionary Society and anthropologist who stayed in Polynesia for nineteen years , toured the Pacific island groups and wrote an important work on Samoa , which was a pioneering work on Polynesia, origins and relationships the Polynesian is true.

Turner began his work in 1840, ten years after the introduction of Christianity to Samoa. He is considered to be a great connoisseur of the inhabitants of this central Polynesian volcanic archipelago, which was long known as the "Navigators Islands".


  • Nineteen years in Polynesia: Nineteen Years in Polynesia: Missionary Life, Travels, and Researches in the Islands of the Pacific. London, John Snow 1861
  • Samoa: a Hundred Years Ago and Long Before; together with Notes on the Cults and Customs of Twenty-three Other Islands in the Pacific. London, Macmillan and Co. 1884

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