Georgios Fotinos

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Georgios Fotinos ( Greek Γεώργιος Φωτεινός , also transcribed as Georges Foteinos, Photinos or Photeinos ; * 1876 ; † 1961 ) was professor of dermatology at the University of Athens between 1910 and 1956; his specialties were skin diseases such as leprosy . He had a particular interest in education and knowledge dissemination. He laid the foundation for a unique medical moulage collection in Greece.


Fotinos studied in Paris ( Hôpital Saint-Louis ) between 1902 and 1905. He continued his training in Berlin with Professor Oskar Lassar , where he met the sculptor Heinrich Kasten , who taught him the necessary technical knowledge and skills in the field of medical casting . The young Athens professor first asked the Parisian artist Jules Baretta (1834–1923) for help in designing his collection in Greece. But Baretta refused.

Fotinos became the first director of the Andreas Syngros Hospital for Dermatology and Venereal Diseases ( Greek Νοσοκομείο «Ανδρέας Συγγρός» Nosokomio “ Andreas Syngros ), which was founded in 1910 as the first dermatological-venerological hospital in Europe.

During his tenure there from 1912, Fotinos laid the foundation stone for the Moulagenmuseum Andreas Syngros Museum (gr. Mousio Andrea Syngrou Μουσείο Ανδρέα Συγγρού). The Greek painter K. Ch. Mitropoulos made a significant contribution to this special collection that combines art and science in later years.


The Syngros collection is now the third largest moulage collection in the world, after the collections in Paris (Hôpital Saint-Louis) and Vienna (collection in the Narrenturm ). The collection is also known internationally simply as the Greek Moulages .


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Individual evidence

  1. R. Joshi: Moulages in dermatology-venereology. In: Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology . 76, 2010, pp. 434-438, doi: 10.4103 / 0378-6323.66579 . PMID 20657139
  2. Notes on the story on the hospital website (Greek)
  3. Website of the museum (Greek)