Gerbert de Montreuil

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Gerbert de Montreuil (* in the first half of the 13th century, † probably in the second half of the 13th century) was a French poet. He is considered to be the author of two verses, the “Roman de la Violette ou de Gérard de Nevers” ( “Li romans de la violete”, ms. BnF, fr. 1374) and the “Fourth continuation of Perceval by Chrétien de Troyes , too "Gerberts continuation" called.

The "Gerberts continuation" counts 17,090 verses and was written before 1235.

The literary motif of the "Roman de la Violette" (between 1227 and 1229) is a bet between two men on the (un) faithfulness of a bride. This poem comprises 6,654 verses. Numerous imitations testify to the popularity of this material. Giovanni Boccaccio's novella II, 9 of his Decameron , William Shakespeare'sCymbeline ” and Carl Maria von Weber'sEuryanthe ” are among them.


  • Roman de la Violette ou de Gérard de Nevers , Silvestre, Paris 1834: full text on
  • La Continuation de Perceval , briefly Gerbert's continuation , nfrz. La Quatrième Continuation de Perceval (Fourth continuation of Perceval)



Editions of the "Gerberts sequel"

Secondary literature

  • John W. Baldwin: Aristocratic life in medieval France. The romances of Jean Renart and Gerbert de Montreuil (1190-1230) . University Press, Baltimore, Mass. 2000, ISBN 0-8018-6188-8 .
  • Charles François: Etudes sur le style de la continuation du "Perceval" par Gerbert et du "Roman de la Violette" par Gerbert de Montreuil . Droz, Paris 1932.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (FR) Fourth continuation of Perceval - Les Continuations versifiées du Conte du Graal.