Gerhard Böhmer (agricultural scientist)

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Gerhard Böhmer (born October 8, 1879 in Albrechtsdorf , Preußisch Eylau district , East Prussia, † after 1921) was a German agricultural scientist.


After graduating from the Friedrichs-Gymnasium in Gumbinnen in 1899, he studied agriculture at the University of Königsberg from 1899 to 1902 , which he completed in 1902 with the examination to become an agriculture teacher. After a short employment there as an assistant at the Agricultural-Physiological Institute, he was assistant at the Agricultural Institute of the University of Giessen in 1903/04 , where he received his doctorate in 1904 with a thesis on the rating of malting barley . In 1904/05 he did one year military service.

In 1909 he completed his habilitation with a paper on the systematics of oats . From 1911 he was head of the department for regional culture and experimentation at the Chamber of Agriculture for the Province of Saxony and completed his habilitation in 1913 in Halle. He was particularly interested in oats and beetroot as well as the control of weeds and questions of fertilization.

From 1914 he took part in the First World War, where in 1918 he was awarded the Iron Cross First Class and the Grand Ducal Hessian Medal of Bravery . In 1919 he left the Chamber of Agriculture and held lectures on special crop production at the Agricultural University in Berlin from 1920 . In November 1921 he switched to the Chamber of Agriculture for the Province of Brandenburg in Berlin as Deputy General Manager and gave up teaching.
