Gert-Rüdiger Wegmarshaus

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Gert-Rüdiger Wegmarshaus (* 1954 in Berlin ) is a German political scientist .


From 1973 to 1978 he studied philosophy, philosophy of science, social sciences and Russian philology at the Philosophical Faculty of the Leningrad State University . From 1978 to 1989 he was a research assistant at the Institute for Theory, History and Organization of Science (ITW), Academy of Sciences, Berlin. After receiving his doctorate in 1987 as Dr. phil. - Dissertation: Operationalism and Virus Research. To criticize the operationalist way of thinking on the basis of a historical case study on the discovery and research of the tobacco mosaic virus , he worked from 1993 to 1996 as a research assistant at the "Political Science" chair ( Hans N. Weiler ) at the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the European University Viadrina . After completing his habilitation in political science in 1999. Venia Legendi for the entire subject he was from 2001 to 2003 project leader of the research association at the European University Viadrina: “Consolidation processes in post-socialist transformation societies: sociocultural experience, interpretation and behavioral patterns of social groups.” (Funding in the HSP-N / Article 3 “Innovative research structures in the new federal states and Berlin” program). From 2004 to 2005 he taught as a lecturer in political science at the Cultural Studies of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt. In 2006 he became an adjunct professor at the European University Viadrina. From 2006 to 2008 he was director of the EuroCollege at the University of Tartu . From 2008 to 2010 he held the chair W3 professorship “Political Science: Comparative Analysis of Political Systems, Movements and Cultures” at the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the European University Viadrina.

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