Complete language program

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The overall language program ( GPS ) is a program of the German federal government . Together with the KompAS program (competence assessment, early activation and language acquisition), the GPS serves to promote the German language. The GPS combines the integration courses and the job-related German language promotion according to § 45a AufenthG .

The GPS and comprises three phases:

  • First phase: everyday language and orientation (language level levels A1 / A2 / B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for GeR),
  • Second phase: professional language and qualification (language level levels B2 / C1 / C2 of the CEFR),
  • Third phase: "Arriving permanently in the world of work".

The framework conditions for the second phase are defined by the German Language Promotion Ordinance (DeuFöV) that has been in force since July 1, 2016. In particular, it regulates job-related German language promotion with a view to integration into the labor market .

The third phase includes job-related language and further qualification modules for continuous preparation for the job market.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior is responsible for general language support (up to language level B1), and the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for the promotion of job-related German language support . The BAMF is responsible for the coordination and implementation of both forms of language training .

Everyday language and orientation

Job-related German language promotion

The BMAS describes the target groups of job-related German language promotion as follows: “ Foreign nationals, including EU citizens, as well as German nationals with a migration background can receive the right to participate in job-related German language promotion. The target group are in particular recipients of benefits under Book Two of the Social Security Code , but also job and training seekers, persons in the professional recognition process and trainees. Language acquisition is also of great importance to those who have children to look after, often women. For this reason, the ordinance provides for appropriate support options here. "

One module (e.g. from B1 to B2 of the GER) comprises 300 teaching units.

The ESF-BAMF courses funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) expire in 2017. They are to be replaced by a program based on the German Language Promotion Ordinance - DeuFöV , which is funded from federal funds and builds on the integration courses.

Individual evidence

  1. New regulation on job-related language promotion. Refugee Council Lower Saxony, May 11, 2016, accessed on July 30, 2016 .
  2. Overview of job-related language support according to § 45a. BAMF, July 5, 2016, accessed July 30, 2016 .
  3. Ordinance on job-related language support passes cabinet. BMAS, May 4, 2016, accessed July 30, 2016 .
  4. ^ Homepage inlingua Braunschweig, accessed on January 21, 2017
  5. New regulation on job-related language promotion. Refugee Council Lower Saxony, May 11, 2016, accessed on October 12, 2016 .