Integration course

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The integration course supported by the legal definition in § 43 para. 2 of the Residence the integration efforts of foreigners by a basic service for integration with the aim to provide them with the language, the legal system, culture and history in Germany successfully. Foreigners should become so familiar with the living conditions in the federal territory that they can act independently in all matters of daily life without the help or mediation of third parties.

The integration courses were introduced in 2005 as part of the Immigration Act. The implementation is determined by the regulation on the implementation of integration courses for foreigners and ethnic German repatriates ( integration course regulation - IntV).


The legislature differentiates between entitlement ( Section 44 of the Residence Act) and the obligation ( Section 44a of the Residence Act) to participate.

Eligible Participants

A permanent residence in the federal territory and a residence permit are required for participation .

So far, asylum seekers and tolerated persons have therefore not had access to an integration course according to §§ 43 ff. AufenthG. This was changed by Art. 3 No. 6 of the Asylum Procedure Acceleration Act of October 20, 2015 in § 44 Paragraph 4 Sentence 2 AufenthG new version in favor of persons with a residence permit ( § 5 Paragraph 2 Sentence 2 IntV ) in order to enable early language acquisition . However, your registration is limited to three months after receipt of admission and depends on the capacity of free course places. Asylum seekers who come from a safe country of origin within the meaning of Section 29a of the Asylum Act (Section 44 subs. 4 sentence 3 of the Residence Act) are also excluded from participation .

EU citizens do not have a statutory right to participate in an integration course, but can be admitted to the integration course by the BAMF if course places are available (Section 44 (3) sentence 1 of the Residence Act).

In 2012, 94,020 people started an integration course; in 2014 the number was 142,439. Over 180,000 new participants were expected for 2015, and around 306,000 new participants were forecast for 2016, taking into account the opening of integration courses for asylum seekers and tolerated persons.

Obligation to participate

BAMF : Absenteeism catalog according to reasons for absence and excused / unexcused absence, as of July 26, 2013

The immigration authorities can take part in one of those who do not have sufficient knowledge of the German language, who are entitled to benefits under SGB ​​II or who are in particular need of integration for other reasons, for example because they, as the person responsible for caring for a minor child living in Germany, do not have sufficient knowledge of the German language Obliging an integration course (Section 44a, Paragraph 1 of the Residence Act). Proper participation is specially checked by the course provider ( Section 8 subs. 3 IntV) and, if necessary, can be enforced by means of administrative compulsion (Section 44a, subsection 3 of the Residence Act).

Legal consequences

If proof of successful participation in the integration course is provided, the minimum period for naturalization will be shortened from eight to seven years ( Section 10 (3 ) StAG ). Successful completion also serves as proof of sufficient knowledge of the German language prior to issuing a settlement permit (Section 9, Subsection 2, Sentence 1, No. 7, Sentence 2 of the Residence Act) or a permit for permanent EU residence (Section 9a, Subsection 2, Sentence 1, No. 3, sentence 2 of the Residence Act) and is taken into account when extending a residence permit (Section 8, Subsection 3 of the Residence Act).

If participation in the integration course is provided for in an integration agreement according to Book Two of the Social Security Code, a violation of the obligation to participate can also be sanctioned as a breach of duty with a reduction in benefits according to Section 31 (1) No. 1 SGB II (so-called integration refusal ).

The integration course

An integration course consists of two parts: a language course and an orientation course . The lessons usually take place all day in groups with participants with different mother tongues. Successful participation in the integration course is certified with the "Integration Course Certificate". Some educational institutions also offer so-called arrival courses .

Language course

Duration and structure

Distribution of the general integration courses from October 1, 2016

The language course usually comprises 600 hours of lessons, which are divided into a basic and an advanced language course. The aim is to have sufficient language skills to ensure the integration of migrants in terms of social participation and equal opportunities.

"Have sufficient knowledge of the German language [...] has who become self linguistically visitors find and everyday life in its environment according to its age and education on a call and express themselves in writing can ( level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)," § 3 para. 2 IntV.

If necessary, special courses can be offered that are aimed at different target groups.

The language course includes up to 900 hours of instruction

  • Integration course for young adults under the age of 27 who are no longer required to attend school ( youth integration course )
  • Integration course for those entitled to participate who cannot attend a general integration course for family or cultural reasons (parent or women integration course)
  • Integration course with literacy
  • Remedial course in particular language teaching needs

In the intensive course, the language course only comprises 400 hours of instruction.

In order to determine the individual, possibly also special needs, the participants take a test to classify their language level (placement test) before the start of the language course. The language course is completed with the German test for immigrants (DTZ).


The framework curriculum for integration courses / German as a second language fundamentally defines the learning objectives and content of the language course. It represents the framework for the conception of various course models and their design. The DTZ's examination objectives are also based on the framework curriculum.

Development of the framework curriculum

In connection with the entry into force of the Immigration Act on January 1, 2005 in Germany, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) commissioned the Goethe-Institut in autumn 2006 to develop a framework curriculum for the integration courses. This curricular basis for integration courses has existed since its publication in 2007.

To create the framework curriculum, the project group of the Goethe-Institut drew surveys of course participants and teachers as well as existing studies and work by other institutions (Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, German Adult Education Association) and the Goethe-Institut itself ("Curriculum for the design of a six-month language course für Aussiedler ”, 1991). In addition, the Goethe Institute once again commissioned scientists from the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich to “research and document the language needs of participants in integration courses by interviewing institutions, course providers and course participants (InDaZ)”.

Scientific knowledge about the acquisition of German as a second language, knowledge of the different backgrounds (e.g. length of stay, educational socialization and more), the importance of migration experience and living conditions of those taking part in integration courses in Germany were also incorporated into the formulation of the framework curriculum.

With regard to the aspired ability of migrants to act , fundamental topics and specific areas in which they want or have to act linguistically should be determined.

learning goals

In the framework curriculum, a basic distinction is made between two types of learning objectives: communication according to fields of action and communication across fields of action .

The formulation is carried out using can-do descriptions (example: "Can use very simple means to speak about himself / herself and his / her situation in the country of origin, for example about the family , the occupation learned .") give, ask, report and the like, grouped and determined by the corresponding skill (writing, reading, listening, speaking, conversation) and level (A1 to B1) according to the Common European Framework of Reference (GER).

Communication in fields of action

A distinction is made between 12 fields of action:

The fields of action are mainly divided into four sub-areas:

  • to get a general idea
  • communicate with official bodies / institutions
  • communicate with superiors / employees of offices and authorities
  • with equals, e.g. B. colleagues, fellow travelers or neighbors communicate

The learning objectives are specified more precisely by naming the priority activity (skill), the corresponding level, and marking the target group or groups (A, B and C) for which the learning objective is relevant. There are three types of target groups:

  • Group A has good learning prerequisites and specific educational and career aspirations. On average, she is younger than the other groups and has lived in Germany for a shorter period of time.
  • Group B focuses on family and children / school. You have a lower level of education or qualification than A.
  • Group C has a lower level of education or qualification than Group A. It is on average the oldest group with the longest stay in Germany. The group focuses on the world of work .

If necessary, it is also stated that specific knowledge of the country (example: "Knows that regulations in offices are binding, e.g. opening times.") Is important for the implementation of the learning objective.

Communication across fields of action

The cross-disciplinary communication encompasses the basic communication needs of people in general:

  • Realization of feelings, attitudes and opinions
  • Dealing with dissent and conflict
  • Creation of social contacts

and in the special needs of migrants:

In addition to the language act, the primary activity ( skill ) and the level, the intention of the speaker (example: "Would like to exchange ideas about the reasons and goals of migration") is included in the description .

These communication areas are further subdivided. The area "Dealing with the migration situation" consists, for example, of the sub-areas:

  • report on migration experience
  • Dealing with intercultural encounters
  • present own competencies
  • Dealing with knowledge divergence and skills gaps
  • Dealing with individual language skills

Extra-linguistic learning objectives

In order to be able to participate in social life, the authors of the framework curriculum require an interplay of linguistic, intercultural and strategic skills. Therefore, before naming the learning objectives at the linguistic level, aspects of intercultural competence (example: "Is sensitized to culturally different communication practices at offices and authorities and can adjust one's own actions accordingly.") And regional knowledge in the "focus interculturality " and in the "focus Landeskunde "listed.

Strategic competencies show up in dealing with knowledge deficits, competence gaps and / or the use of learning techniques. These are partly applied in the overarching communication areas “Dealing with the migration situation” (example: “Dealing with knowledge divergence and skills gaps”) and “Dealing with one's own language learning” (example: “ Building up and expanding reading skills ”).

Practical implementation

For the most effective use possible, the target group (primarily exam developers, textbook authors and course planners) must observe the following:

  • From the maximum possible learning objectives mentioned, the addressees must make a selection of specific learning objectives and content geared to the respective target group
  • Examinations must not require skills that go beyond the descriptions
  • Lexical and morpho-syntactic learning content can be derived from the learning objectives, but should not primarily determine the language courses
  • the progression in the language course should be based on chains of action within the fields of action.

The framework curriculum is used by teachers in integration courses to reflect on the teaching material used and to understand specific course plans. In particular, the formulations of the extra-lingual learning goals (intercultural and strategic competence, knowledge of the country) allow these goals to be checked in the course. However, the framework curriculum should not be seen as a curriculum .

Intercultural aspects in the framework curriculum

(Inter) cultural aspects are dealt with in the communication areas “Dealing with the migration situation” (especially in the subsection “Dealing with intercultural encounters”) and “Realizing feelings, attitudes and opinions”, as well as in “Focus on interculturality” or through the learning objective “ Intercultural Competence ”in the framework curriculum. The authors of the framework curriculum for standard integration courses name the relevance of cultural and intercultural aspects for the learners. However, these considerations are not based on a defined concept of culture.

In the needs analysis (InDaZ), under the point “Aspects of interculturality”, answers from respondents are listed, which make it clear that intercultural aspects are important in the course and especially in the final examination. A relatively narrow concept of culture seems to be adopted. The chapter "Language and culture of origin" mainly contains data on the heterogeneity of the course participants' countries of origin. Also with regard to the DTZ it is not described or discussed to what extent intercultural competence can be operationalized.

Orientation course

The 100-hour orientation course follows the respective language course. The course participants are given knowledge of German history , society and culture in order to facilitate their everyday dealings with fellow citizens and authorities. The orientation course concludes with the “Living in Germany” test.

The orientation course originally only consisted of 45 lessons. It was increased to 60 hours in 2012 and to 100 hours in 2016 in order to enable a more in-depth discussion of the subjects of “Politics in Democracy”, “History and Responsibility” and “People and Society”.

The curriculum for the orientation course is being developed by the BAMF .


Since 1 January 2006 the curriculum, teaching and learning materials as well as the contents of the tests will be an evaluation commission for quality control and further development of the concept of integration courses evaluated ( § 21 IntV).

The statistics of the Federal Office for Migration show a success rate of approx. 57 percent for the highest possible German certificate ( competence level B1 ) for the first half of 2012 , which, according to the Goethe Institute, proves basic knowledge of everyday German and as a minimum requirement for employment in the Federal Republic Germany is to be seen. Another 35 percent of the test participants achieved the lower language level A2 . This rate was also achieved from 2016 to 2018, where 66.9 and 52.0 percent of the participants reached level B1 and 25.5 and 32.9 percent reached level A2.


The institution running an integration course (course provider) receives a certain reimbursement of costs from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) ( Section 20 (6) IntV). The participants had to contribute 50% of the applicable cost reimbursement rate to the course costs ( § 9 IntV), since July 1, 2016 only with 1.95 € per lesson. Upon request, participants in need of assistance will be exempt from paying the fee. Successful participants can be reimbursed 50% of their contribution to costs. For certain groups, e.g. refugees, some federal states offer free courses.

For the course providers such as language schools and other educational institutions, group lessons are only cost-effective if 20 participants are registered. The maximum number of participants is 25. The fee for teachers in integration courses is at least 35 euros for freelancers.

Participation and costs are regulated differently for certain groups by the Residence Act. A distinction is made between foreigners with a residence permit before or from 2005, German nationals, EU citizens and repatriates .

Between 2005 and 2013, the federal government spent over 1.4 billion euros on the system of integration courses. In the 2017 federal budget , EUR 610.077 million was earmarked for the implementation of integration courses in accordance with the IntV.

See also

Portal: Integration  - Articles, categories and more on intercultural dialogue and integration

Web links

Wiktionary: Integration course  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Integration course. BMI, accessed February 6, 2016 .
  2. Ordinance on the implementation of integration courses for foreigners and repatriates . Retrieved October 5, 2010
  3. Draft by the Federal Government of a law amending the Asylum Procedure Act, the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act and other laws (Asylum Procedure Acceleration Act) of September 21, 2015, p. 28
  4. Federal Law Gazette I p. 1722
  5. Art. 2 No. 2 of the Ordinance on the Asylum Procedure Acceleration Act of October 24, 2015 ( BGBl. I p. 1789 )
  6. Ordinance of the Federal Government on the Asylum Procedure Acceleration Act BR-Drucksache 447/15 of 29 September 2015, p. 7
  7. Sanction measures in the event of an alleged " refusal to integrate" Small question from MPs Sevim Dag˘delen, Jan Korte, Ulla Jelpke, Ulrich Maurer, Wolfgang Neskovic, Petra Pau, Jens Petermann, Frank Tempel and the DIE LINKE parliamentary group, BT-Drucksache 17/3147 from 29 September 2010
  8. Winfried Roth: Migrants in Germany: The Specter of Refusal to Integrate Deutschlandradio Kultur , September 7, 2015
  9. Arrival courses for refugees - information from the Volkshochschule Hannover , accessed on January 31, 2020
  10. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Framework curriculum for integration courses (PDF; 803 kB): pp. 9, 11, 13 - 17, 24 - 25, last checked on February 4, 2012.
  11. Research and documentation regarding the language needs of participants in integration courses by surveying institutions, course providers and course participants (InDaZ) (PDF; 1.1 MB), last checked on February 4, 2012.
  12. BAMF - Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - content and procedure. In: Retrieved November 21, 2016 .
  13. Content and procedure at the BAMF . Accessed June 10, 2012
  14. Second Federal Government Ordinance amending the Integration Course Ordinance Federal Office for Migration and Refugees , draft vote 2012
  15. cf. For example, minutes of the 24th meeting of the evaluation committee for the integration courses Berlin, November 11, 2014
  16. ^ Ramboll Management: Evaluation of the integration courses. (PDF) (No longer available online.) December 2006, archived from the original on September 16, 2012 ; accessed on August 5, 2019 . Final report and expert opinion on potential for improvement in the implementation of the integration courses
  17. BAMF: The success of integration courses continues to rise ( Memento from April 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) November 26, 2012
  18. BAMF: Integration courses: over 1 million participants since 2015 (press release 003/2019). May 3, 2019, accessed August 5, 2019 .
  19. ^ BAMF - Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - foreigners with residence permits from 2005. In: Retrieved November 21, 2016 .
  20. - Information from the Volkshochschule Hannover , accessed on January 31, 2020
  21. Program autumn / winter 2019, the Volkshochschule Bremen , printed version, current offer as an example, accessed on January 31, 2020
  22. Section 8 (1) of the guidelines of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees for the settlement of integration courses for foreigners and repatriates according to the Integration Course Ordinance (Settlement Guidelines - AbrRL) 10th version of November 1, 2015, accessed on February 27, 2016
  24. Participation and costs , Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, last checked on February 4, 2012.
  25. Website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior , accessed on March 1, 2016
  26. The Federal Government's report on the implementation and financing of integration courses in accordance with Section 43 (5) of the Residence Act, information provided by the Federal Government, BT-Drucksache 16/6043 of June 29, 2007
  27. Federal Ministry of the Interior budget office: 0603