Protected landscape component of the ravine south of Leitmar

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The protected landscape component of the ravine south of Leitmar with an area of ​​0.22  ha is located south of Leitmar in the urban area of Marsberg . The area was designated in 2008 with the Marsberg landscape plan by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis as a protected landscape component (LB). The LB is surrounded by the landscape protection area open spaces around Leitmar . The LB is close to the edge of the village.


The landscape plan performs for LB: "Between the southern outskirts of Leitmar and the avenue lined L 549 is a hollow way rest which, although only half as long those east of the village, but also constitutes as a scenic enrichment of the transition between the village and the open landscape. It is about 3 m deep, has a variety of dense, species-rich woody vegetation on the embankments as well as ecologically inconspicuous herbaceous vegetation on the bottom. Here there is also a body of water that runs sporadically on the red sandstone subsoil, which can no longer be traced in the adjacent location (because of the settlement or the Zechstein limestone subsoil). In addition to the invigorating effect in the landscape, the protected object also offers an almost undisturbed retreat for small animals in the surrounding field. "

Protection purpose

The designation as LB took place:

  • To maintain, develop or restore the efficiency and functionality of the natural balance
  • For revitalizing, structuring or maintaining the townscape and landscape
  • To ward off harmful effects

Like the other LBs in the landscape plan area, the LB represents an outstanding habitat for the ecological performance of the natural balance and also serves as an element that structures and animates the landscape. The designation serves to ward off real or potential harmful effects through the removal of plants, relief or water changes, etc.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority: Marsberg Landscape Plan. Meschede 2008, p. 153
  2. ^ Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority: Marsberg Landscape Plan. Meschede 2008, p. 139 ff

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