Society for Geschiebekunde

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The Gesellschaft für Geschiebekunde eV (GfG), founded on October 6, 1984, has set itself the goal of promoting sediment research by bringing together scientists and laypeople , issuing its own publications, and building up the archive for Geschiebekunde in Hamburg , as well as the German archive for bed load research in Greifswald . The magazine "GeschIEBEKUNDE AKTUELL" has been published since 1985.

After the special issue 1 was published in December 1989 and the first issue of the new trade journal "ARCHIV FÜRESCHIEBEKUNDE" in January 1990, the company now has a wide range of publications. In exchange with these publications and through donations, it was possible to set up a library that is available to every member. Ingelore Hinz-Schallreuter has been the editor of the journals since 2013 .

The society has about 400 members who are organized in different sections.

Archive for history of history

The Archive for Geschiebekunde was founded on April 25, 1988 by the University of Hamburg and is administratively connected to the Geological-Paleontological Institute and Museum .

It consists of parts of his sediment collection, donations and his own finds. Kurt Hucke's (1882–1963) specialist library is also available. A traveling exhibition shows the geological range of possible finds in the bed load.

Annual meeting

At the annual conference, which takes place at the end of April, members and interested parties come together at different conference locations. A public evening lecture usually takes place on Friday. Saturday is characterized by a number of lectures on all topics related to movement, which ends with the general meeting. On Sunday there are usually two different excursions to the surrounding area of ​​the conference location.

Publication organs

Current history [Ga]

These are the messages from the GfG with articles on various bed load topics, presentations, book reviews, date announcements and reports on finds. Every year 4 booklets with 40 pages each appear, which each member receives free of charge.

Special issues "Geschiebekunde aktuell"

Each special issue deals with a closed topic. They appear in loose order and are sold to members (lectures, exhibitions, etc.), media shows and at a special price.

  • SH 1 (1989): The Ordovician of the Siljan Region (H.-W. Lienau)
  • SH 2 (1990): Geschiebe - messengers from the north (Hrsg. H.-W. Lienau)
  • SH 3 (1993): Excursion guide to the geology of the Herzogtum Lauenburg district (H.-J. Lierl)
  • SH 4 (1994): Excursion guide to the Quaternary geology of north-eastern Lower Saxony (K.-D. Meyer)
  • SH 5 (1999): The largest erratic boulders in Lower Saxony (K.-D. Meyer)
  • SH 6 (2005): The largest boulders in Denmark (K.-H. Krause)
  • SH 7 (2009): Contributions to Schleswig-Holstein's legacy history (Ed. R. Schallreuter)
  • SH 8 (2010): Contributions to the history of sediments in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Ed. R. Schallreuter)
  • SH 9 (2011): Festschrift Klaus-Dieter Meyer (Ed. R. Schallreuter)

Archive for Geschiebekunde [AfG]

Archive for sedimentation is intended for work from the German archive for sediment research, founded in 1936 at the Institute for Geological Sciences of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald and the archive for sedimentation founded in 1988 at the Geological-Paleontological Institute and Museum of the University of Hamburg and for them Publications related to tasks. It is published by the first-mentioned institution and has been published since 1990. Several issues that appear in casual succession are combined into one volume.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. R. Schallreuter: On the foundation of the GESELLSCHAFT FÜR GIEBEKUNDE . In: Geschiebekunde aktuell . tape 1 , no. 1 . Hamburg 1985 ( ).
  2. ^ Alfred O. Ludwig, Mike Reich & Roger Schallreuter: 65 years of the German Archive for Bed Mount Research (DAG) in Greifswald . In: Geschiebekunde Aktuell . tape 17 , no. (2/3) , 2001, p. 39-62 .
  3. ^ Publications of the GfG. Retrieved April 17, 2018 .