Health crafts

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The health trades in Germany include opticians and optometrists , hearing aids , orthopedic shoemakers , orthopedic technicians and dental technicians . They are all listed in the directory of trades that can be operated as trades subject to authorization ( Appendix A of the Crafts Code ). The health trades supply the population with selected medical products and / or aids such as glasses, hearing systems, orthopedic shoes, prostheses and dentures. The companies in the health trades are predominantly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Throughout Germany there are around 25,500 health care companies that employ around 195,000 people as employers and training and further education companies, of which just under 18,000 are apprentices. The health trades make a contribution to maintaining health (prevention) and restoring health as well as compensating for disabilities and limitations. The services of the health trades are thus part of the supply process in Germany.


The individual companies in the health trades are always run by a master craftsman or a suitably qualified person who is entered in the trade register. Most of the health trades are organized in guilds or federal associations. These are voluntary associations that represent the specific interests of a craft branch or profession and take on advisory and organizational functions. The Federal guilds or are federal guild associations of health crafts: Central Association of Optometrists and optometrists , Federal Guild of Hearing Care Professional KdöR, Central Association of Orthopedic Footwear Technology , German Association Orthopedic Technology , Association of German dental technician guilds .

Master presence

The health trades belong to the particularly dangerous trades. That is why there are special requirements for the foreman or operations manager with regard to presence in the company. It should be emphasized that a foreman must be able to constantly monitor the work in his company and to be able to intervene in a steering or correcting manner. The respective Chamber of Crafts is responsible for assessing the presence of the master craftsman . It is based on the requirements of the Crafts Code (HwO). In addition, there are other legal provisions that emphasize the particular danger of the health trades, such as the Fifth Book of the Social Code (SGB V) and the Medical Products Act (MPG). Basically, it applies to the health trades companies that they are only allowed to carry out their full craft activities when the master craftsman is present.

Basics of supply

Health workers form the interface between technology and people in the supply of individual and advice-intensive medical products and services. The adjustment is usually followed by a comprehensive follow-up and fine adjustment. Depending on the health trade, this can take several months. In addition to the selection and adaptation of the technical product, the health trades are characterized by a high proportion of services. Digital techniques and work equipment are taken up and used in the work of the health trades as part of constant innovation cycles. A main difference to the other handicraft businesses is that the costs for the services of the health handicrafts are wholly or partially covered by the social insurance carriers , predominantly the statutory health insurance ( GKV ). In the area of ​​private health insurance ( PKV ), the reimbursement of services provided by the healthcare trades is based on the catalog of services agreed between the insurer and the patient.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Definition: Health trade and retail trade Health reporting of the federal government (GBE). Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  2. cf.
  3. Expectations and demands of the health trades . Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH). (PDF, March 2013; 404 kB).
  4. Master present is consumer protection Retrieved November 18, 2013.

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