Violence triangle

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Violence Triangle.svg

The violence triangle is a sociological model after Johan Galtung . It describes the interactions between structural , personal and cultural violence .

Personal violence

Galtung understands the term personal violence (also direct violence ) to be the violence that one actor directly uses against another. Examples are threats , sexual harassment , torture and assault .

Structural violence

Structural violence (also called indirect violence ) describes the violence that is anchored in the social structure ("the violence is built into the system"). This means violence between people as well as between groups of people (societies) and between societies (alliances, regions). Personal and structural violence both express themselves in concrete actions. The fact that people murder and injure is just as much a result of personal and structural violence as that certain social groups are oppressed and that, for example, life opportunities are unevenly distributed. Further examples are inhumane living conditions, inadequate control bodies and inadequate social security.

Cultural violence

In contrast to the other two forms, cultural violence only exists ideally. It serves to legitimize concrete violence and is anchored in "religion and ideology, in language and art, science and law, media and education". Examples are the general acceptance of violence, social role models (obligation to bring up children by violence, etc.) or shame in the social environment. Ideologies such as the idea of ​​the master race and chauvinism in general can also be classified here.

Web links


  • Johan Galtung: Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Culture . 1st edition. tape 4 . agenda Münster, 2007, ISBN 3-89688-305-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Johan Galtung: Peace by peaceful means: Peace and conflict, development and culture . 1st edition. tape 4 . agenda Münster, 2007, ISBN 3-89688-305-4 , p. 17th ff .
  2. a b c Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Hirsch: Examples of the three forms of violence. (PDF) Archived from the original on August 1, 2014 ; Retrieved April 4, 2015 .
  3. ^ Johan Galtung quoted from the triangle of violence. DGB-Bildungswerk Thüringen e. V., accessed April 4, 2015 .