Union faction (1933)

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The "union faction" (actually a Parliamentary Group was) a group of five trade unionists who are on 2 May 1933 by the SPD - faction in the Hamburg Parliament seceded. The members of parliament John Ehrenteit , Hugo Schotte and Wilhelm Petersen , Georg Amlung and Alfred Ehlers followed the proclaimed course of the leadership of the General German Trade Union Federation (ADGB) to distance themselves from the SPD. You should face the new power situation and get the best out of the workforce. Peter Hass , who also resigned from the SPD parliamentary group, did not join the “parliamentary group”.

The “trade union faction” did not, however, reach the strength of the faction with its six members; so she joined the NSDAP parliamentary group as a guest .

The members of the trade union faction justified this step, which was viewed as treason within the SPD and large parts of the trade union , by pretending to want to save the parliamentary representation of the labor movement. They were of the opinion (and they were right) that the SPD would be banned a short time later. But that they would achieve something for the working class by leaning on the new rulers should quickly turn out to be an illusion. As early as July 10, 1933, their mandates were canceled shortly after those of the SPD.


  • Walter Tormin: The History of the SPD in Hamburg 1945 to 1950 . Forum Zeitgeschichte, Volume 4. Results Verlag, Hamburg 1994, p. 15 f., ISBN 3-87916-028-7 (annotated register of persons).