Tidal tail

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Tadpole Galaxy

When tidal tail or Gezeitenarm in which is astronomy an elongated star and gas region referred to, starting from a galaxy in the inter-galactic space extends. Tidal tails are created by gravitational forces that act between neighboring galaxies, the galactic tides . Pronounced tidal tails arise when galaxies "collide" . Examples are the tidal tails of the antenna galaxies , the tadpole galaxy or the whirlpool galaxy .

Antennae galaxies

Tidal tails can contain a substantial part of the matter of a galaxy: a good half of the gaseous matter of the antenna galaxies is in their tidal tails.

Individual evidence

  1. Mihos, Christopher J .: Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Star Formation in Interacting Disk Galaxies . In: Astrophysical Journal . 418, 1993, pp. 82-99. bibcode : 1993ApJ ... 418 ... 82M . doi : 10.1086 / 173373 .