Ghorban Tourani

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Ghorban Dordi Tourani (* 1952 ; † November 22, 2005 ), also Ghorban Tori (in Persian قربان دردى تورانى), was an Iranian convert to Christianity and a clergyman. He lived and worked in Gonbad-e Qabus , in the Iranian province of Golestan .

Tourani, a Turkmen Iranian , grew up as a Sunni Muslim , but converted to Christianity during a stay in Turkmenistan in the mid-1990s and was thus considered an apostate of Islam . After returning to Iran, he quickly established a Christian house church in his predominantly Muslim hometown.

He was arrested for apostasy and murdered by strangers there. His death, the first murder of a priest in several years, set a precedent for the repression of the small but growing house church community in Iran.

Individual evidence

  1. Iran: Christian convert murdered . Catholic News, Nov. 30, 2005; Retrieved June 4, 2017