Giancarlo Narciso

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Giancarlo Narciso in 2011 presented the novel Otherside

Giancarlo Narciso (born September 9, 1947 in Milan ) is an Italian writer.

He traveled the world and lived in Tokyo, Kuwait City, San Francisco, Mexico City and Singapore, among others. He lived there mostly from odd jobs. He currently commutes between Riva del Garda and the island of Lombok, Indonesia.

In the first half of the 1990s he created the character of Rodolfo Capitani, adventurer and wanderer, for a number of novels that were published by various publishers.

In 1998 he won the Premio Tedeschi for her novel The Beautiful Hand of Death and in 2006 the Premio Giorgio Scerbanenco for the novel The Face of Strangers. In 2011 his novel Other came third in the Premio Azzeccagarbugli.

Works (selection)

  • The beautiful hand of death. (Singapore Sling)
  • The lonely murderer's dream. (Sankhara. Un'indagine di Butch Moroni PI)
  • The stranger's face. (Incontro a Daunanda)