Gianluigi Paragone

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Gianluigi Paragone (2018)

Gianluigi Paragone (born August 7, 1971 in Varese ) is an Italian politician and journalist who has represented the third seat of the Lombardy region in the Italian Senate since 2018 . Until the beginning of 2020 he belonged to the Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) party , but founded the EU-skeptical Italexit party on July 23, 2020.


After working as a journalist for a local newspaper and a local television station, Paragone became editor of La Padania , the official newspaper of the Northern League . He then worked for the newspaper Libero , whose deputy director he became and temporarily replaced Vittorio Feltri . In 2009 Paragone hosted the political talk show Malpensa Italia , which was broadcast on Rai 2 . On August 5, 2009, he was appointed deputy director of Rai 1 and therefore gave up the management of Libero. On September 24, 2009, Paragone left Rai 1 to become Vice Director of Rai 2. From January 15, 2010, he directed the political talk show L'ultima parola on Rai 2. In 2013 he resigned as deputy director of Rai 2. He then moved to La 7 , where he directed the talk shows La gabbia (2013-2017) and In onda (2015).

In the parliamentary elections in Italy in 2018 , he was elected Senator for the M5S. However , he abstained when the Conte II cabinet was confirmed . On January 1, 2020, Paragone was officially expelled from that party, but continued his Senate membership as an independent politician. In July 2020, Paragone launched its own political movement, Italexit, with the aim of getting Italy out of the European Union . He cites Nigel Farage as a role model for this.

Individual evidence

  1. Oliver Meiler: Italy - exit from the EU based on the British model. Retrieved July 24, 2020 .