GigE vision

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GigE Vision is an interface standard from industrial image processing that was adopted in mid-2006 . It enables industrial cameras to be easily connected to existing network systems by using the Gigabit Ethernet standard.


The standard originated from a committee of around 50 companies, the 12 initiators were Adimec, Andor Technology, Atmel , Basler , CyberOptics, Dalsa , JAI A / S, JAI PULNiX, Matrox , National Instruments , Photonfocus, Pleora Technologies and Stemmer Imaging . The Automated Imaging Association (AIA) monitored the development. GigE Vision is a registered trademark of the AIA.

GigE Vision is based on UDP / IPv4 and has set itself the goal of ensuring the greatest possible compatibility between camera, hardware and software manufacturers. The standard itself is not publicly available and can only be viewed by AIA members. One consequence of this is that only AIA members can develop GigE Vision compatible products and, unlike DCAM , for example , this does not allow open source implementations.


Features of the GigE Vision standard:

  • High data rates - up to 1000 Mbit / s (based on Gigabit Ethernet);
  • Cable lengths up to 100 meters without amplification, more than for example Firewire , USB or CameraLink ;
  • Based on existing Ethernet standards and existing hardware and software.

The GigE Vision Standard essentially consists of four elements:

  • The GigE Vision Control Protocol (GVCP). Uses UDP and defines how a device is to be addressed. Specifies data channels and mechanisms for the transfer of images and configuration data between PC and camera;
  • GigE Vision Stream Protocol (GVSP). Specifies the different data types and transmission modes for transferring images. UDP is used for transmission. GigE Vision itself includes the option of packet resend to correct transmission errors;
  • GigE Device Discovery Mechanism. Includes finding cameras on the network;
  • An XML file containing a description of the camera based on the GenICam standard . Allows access to camera data and images.

Even if the standard relates directly to Gigabit Ethernet, any Ethernet variant can be used.


The standard offers several advantages over existing connections such as CameraLink or Firewire. By using Gigabit Ethernet technology, conventional network cables can be used, which in addition to the greater range also means lower costs. Another advantage is that the required network cables can be assembled on site when installed in inaccessible places .

The GenICam standard defines a uniform software interface. This enables manufacturer-independent software to be developed that can use any GigE vision cameras.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. GigE Vision Standard
  2. GenICam Standard