Gilbert Rist

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Gilbert Rist (born July 16, 1938 in Geneva ) is a Swiss professor at the Institut universitaire d'études du développement of the University of Geneva . He became known for his critical analysis of development policy and the underlying idea of development .


  • (with Fabrizio Sabelli): Il était une fois le développement. dt. The fairy tale of development: a myth of western industrial society and its consequences for the "Third World". Rotpunktverl., Zurich 1989, ISBN 3-85869-053-8 .
  • (with Marie-Dominique Perrot and Fabrizio Sabelli), La Mythologie programmée, L'économie des croyances dans la société moderne, coll.Economie en liberté, PUF, Paris, 1992.
  • (with Majid Rahnema and Gustavo Esteva ): Le Nord perdu, Repères pour l'après-développement. coll. Forum du développement, Editions d'En Bas, Lausanne, 1992.
  • Le développement, Histoire d'une croyance occidentale. Presses de Sciences Po, Paris 1996 - engl. The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith. 3rd edition, Zed Books, London 2008, ISBN 1848131895 ( limited preview in Google Book Search, also published in Italian and Spanish)

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