Gilles de Gouberville

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Gilles de Gouberville , sieur de Gouberville , du Mesnil-au-Val et de Russy (* 1521 - 7 March 1578 ) was a French diary author of the 16th century.

life and work

Gouberville was a country nobleman from the Cotentin . In the 16th century he wrote an extensive diary, of which the section 1549 to 1562 was found in the 19th century and published from 1892 to 1895. Walther von Wartburg had Erich Poppe (* 1910) lexically evaluate the text in a dissertation (Leipzig 1935). In 1969 began a series of publications about Gouberville, which was discovered by modern everyday history ( Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie , Pierre Chaunu and especially Madeleine Foisil). In 1986 the association “Comité Gilles de Gouberville” was founded, which has published a yearbook “Les Cahiers goubervilliens” since 1997 and maintains an information-rich website.

On the literary status of the diary, Marie Madeleine Fontaine writes: “Ce droit à l'existence permanente de ce qui n'était destiné à aucune gloire est paradoxalement aussi émouvant que le moulage d'un corps étouffé par les cendres de Pompéi: Gouberville est un homme comme les autres que cerne en creux une écriture défaillante et grossière, l'écriture grise. »

Works (modern editions)

  • Journal (le) du Sire de Gouberville , 4 vols., Bricqueboscq (Manche), Les éditions des champs, 1992–1994 (preface by Madeleine Foisil).
    • 1. 1549–1552 , transcribed and edited. by Auguste de Blangy († 1918), 1993.
    • 2. 1553–1557 , transcribed by abbé Alexandre Tollemer (1802–1892) and ed. by Eugène de Robillard de Beaurepaire (1827–1899), 1993
    • 3. 1558–1562 , transcribed by abbé Tollemer and ed. by Eugène de Robillard de Beaurepaire, 1993
    • 4. Compléments , ed. by Annick Meyer and Régine and Guy Deschamps, 1994.
  • Un temps clair comme cristal. Journal de Gilles de Gouberville, gentilhomme du Cotentin, 1549-1563 , ed. by Robert Lerouvillois (* 1933), Saint-Lô, Archives départementales, 2002.

Literature (selection)

  • Madeleine Foisil: Le Sire de Gouberville. Un gentilhomme normand au XVIe siècle. Flammarion, Paris 1981, 1986, 2001 (preface by Pierre Chaunu).
  • Erich Poppe: The language of Gilles de Gouberville and its relationship to the modern Norman dialects. C. & E. Vogel, Engelsdorf-Leipzig 1935.
  • Erich Poppe: The vocabulary of the Journal du Sieur de Gouberville in its relationship to today's Norman dialects; a contribution to the problem of vocabulary stability. Self-published Romanisches seminar, Leipzig 1936.

Manual literature

  • Marie Madelaine Fontaine: Gouberville, Gilles de in: Jean-Pierre Beaumarchais, Daniel Couty, Alain Rey (eds.): Dictionnaire des écrivains de langue française. Larousse, Paris 2001, p. 776.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Association "Comité Gilles de Gouberville". Information including bibliography