Giovanni Monticolo

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Giovanni Monticolo ( December 12, 1852 in Venice , † October 31, 1909 in Rome ) was an Italian historian who worked on the history of the Republic of Venice and edited key sources.

life and work

Giovanni Monticolo attended the Liceo "Marco Polo" in Venice and studied at the University of Pisa , where he received his doctorate in 1894. He then taught as a teacher in Naples, Arezzo, Potenza, Pistoia, Florence and finally in Rome. In 1892 he became a professor at the University of Bologna , in 1893 he moved to the University of Rome , where he taught until his death.

However, he concentrated his work almost exclusively on the history of Venice. He published important sources, such as the Chronicle of Johannes Diaconus , then the Chronicon Gradense and the Vite dei Dogi of Marin Sanudo , whose publication he could no longer complete. In addition, he edited the Capitolari delle arti veneziane , which go back to the lucky find of the Codex Morbio , which contains the oldest capitularies of the Venetian guilds. While Henry Simonsfeld dealt with the Chronicon Altinate and Carlo Cipolla with the early Middle Ages and the rise of Dogates, Monticolo concentrated on the two most important sources of the early history of Venice at the time, namely the Chronicle of Johannes Diaconus and the Chronicon Gradense.

Works (selection)

  • Cronache veneziane antichissime 1, Rome 1890. ( digitized version ).
  • L'ufficio della giustizia vecchia in Venezia dalle origini sino al 1330 , Venice 1892.
  • Il testo del patto giurato dal doge Dominico Michiel al comune di Bari , in: Nuovo Archivio Veneto 18 (1899) 96–156 ( digitized version ).
  • La costituzione del doge Pietro Polani (Febraio 1143, 1142 more veneto) circa la processio scolarum. Note , Rome 1900. ( digitized version ).
  • with Ernesto Besta (ed.): I capitolari delle arti Veneziane , Rome 1905–1914.


  • Monticolo, Giovanni , in: Enciclopedia Italiana , Rome 1934
  • Alberto Barausse: I maestri all'università: la Scuola pedagogica di Roma, 1904-1923 , Morlacchi, Perugia 2004, p. 83.

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