Gisela Szagun

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Gisela Szagun (* in Remscheid ) is a German psychologist and professor of developmental psychology. She lives in England.


Gisela Szagun made Abitur at Gertrud-Bäumer-Gymnasium in Remscheid and studied from 1969 to 1972 at the London School of Economics ( University of London ) Psychology (Social Psychology). She graduated in 1972 and received her PhD from the University of London in 1976.

In 1976 she went to Berlin , where, after several years of research and teaching, she completed her habilitation in 1983 at the Technical University ( Technische Universität Berlin ). During this time she was a research assistant at the Institute for Psychology. From 1984 to 2006 she taught and researched as a professor of developmental psychology at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg and at the Institute for Psychology (Department: Cognition). She has been retired since October 2006.

Her family was involved in the resistance against Adolf Hitler in Remscheid , which also led to emigration to England . Today Gisela Szagun says that as a child she would have loved to become a violinist.


Gisela Szagun is best known for her research and publications in the field of language psychology (language acquisition in children). Her main research areas are:

  • Acquisition of flexion morphology in German-speaking children
  • individual variability in early language acquisition
  • Parent questionnaires to record early language acquisition in German-speaking children
  • Age norms in early language acquisition
  • short diagnostic tool for recording early language acquisition
  • different courses of grammatical development
  • special difficulties in acquiring flexion morphology
  • Maturation-related and social influences on language acquisition in children with cochlear implants

Gisela Szagun is a member of the British Psychological Society and the International Association for the Study of Child Language. With her many publications, Gisela Szagun is primarily an expert in language acquisition for children .


  • (2010) Language Development in Children: A Textbook (3rd Updated Edition). Weinheim; Beltz Publishing House
  • with Stumper, B. & Schramm, SA (2009). FRAKIS - Questionnaire on early childhood language development. Tests info. Frankfurt am Main: Pearson. 2009
  • Rüter, M. (2009). The influence of parents speech on the development of spoken language in German-speaking children with cochlear implants. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia, 29, 165-173.
  • Stumper, B., Sondag, N. & Franik, M. (2007). The acquisition of gender marking by young German-speaking children: Evidence for learning guided by phonological regularities. Journal of Child Language, 34 (3), 445-471.
  • (2007). Slowly bothered? Variability and Normality in Early Language Acquisition. Speech Therapy Forum, 21 (3), 20–25.
  • (2007). The miracle of language acquisition. Weinheim: Beltz.
  • with Tigges-Zuzok, C. & Michaelis, R. (2006). Does Variability in Early Language Acquisition Need Treatment? Pediatrician, 37 (3), 136–140.
  • with Sondag, N., Stumper, B. & Franik, M. (2006). Language development in children with a cochlear implant. Institute for Psychology, University of Oldenburg.
  • with Steinbrink, C., Franik, M. & Stumper, B. (2006). Development of vocabulary and grammar in young German-speaking children assessed with a German language development inventory. First Language, 26, 259-280.
  • (2004). Learning by ear: on the acquisition of case and gender marking by German-speaking children with normal hearing and with cochlear implants. Journal of Child Language, 31, 1-30.
  • with Steinbrink, C. (2004). Typicality and Variability in Early Childhood Language Development: A Study Using a Parent Questionnaire. Language - Voice - Hearing, 28 (3), 137-145.
  • (2004). Neurobiological and developmental basics of language acquisition. Language - Voice - Hearing, 28 (1), 8-14.
  • (2004). Individual differences in language acquisition by young children with cochlear implants and implications for a concept of 'sensitive phase'. In R. Miyamoto (Ed.), Cochlear Implants (pp. 308-11). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • with Bertram, B. & Meyer, V. (2003). Repeating sentences from the Hanover listening test series (HHPR) and grammar acquisition. Hearing impaired children, adult hearing impaired, 40 (3), 128–132.
  • (2003). Language acquisition in children with cochlear implants compared with children with normal hearing. Forum. Half-yearly publication of the German Association for Education for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 11, 71–82.
  • (2002). Learning words in the mother tongue: ontogenetic vocabulary acquisition. In J. Dittmann & C. Schmidt (Eds.), About Words (pp. 311–333). Freiburg: Rombach Verlag.
  • (2002). Language acquisition in children with cochlear implants: Individual development paths and implications for conceptions of a sensitive phase. Pediatrics and Related Topics, 41, 545-558.
  • (2002). Learning the h (e) ard way: The acquisition of grammar in young German-speaking children with cochlear implants and with normal hearing. In F. Windsor, ML Kelly & N. Newlett (Eds.), Investigations in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics (pp. 131-144). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • (2001). Language acquisition in young German-speaking children with Cochleat Implants. Individual differences and implications for conceptions of a "sensitive phase". Pediatrics and related topics, 6 (5), 288-297.
  • (2001). How language is created. Language acquisition in children with normal and impaired hearing. Weinheim: Beltz.
  • (2001). Learning different regularities: The acquisition of noun plurals by German-speaking children. First Language, 21, 109-141.
  • (2001). Language acquisition in young German-speaking children with cochlear implants: Individual differences and implications for conceptions of a "sensitive phase". Audiology & Neuro-Otology, 6, 288-297.
  • with Hampf, T. (2000). Normal hearing children and children with cochlear implants: The dialogue between mother and child at an early age. Language - Voice - Hearing, 24 (4), 164–168.
  • with Steinbrink, C. (1999). The influence of excessive speech on language acquisition in children with cochlear implants. Language - Voice - Hearing, 23 (4), 213–217.
  • (1998). Language acquisition in children with cochlear implants: first results of a developmental psycholinguistic study. Language - Voice - Hearing, 22 (3), 133-138.
  • with Schäuble, M. (1997). Children's and adults' understanding of the feeling of courage. Cognition and Emotion, 11 (3), 291-306.
  • with Pavlov, VI (1995). Environmental awareness. A comparative study of German and Russian adolescents. Youth & Society, 27 (1), 93-112.
  • with Mesenholl, E. & Jelen, M. (1994). Environmental awareness among young people. Emotional, action-related and ethical aspects. Frankfurt a. M .: Long.
  • Szagun, G. (1992). Age-related changes in children's understanding of courage. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 153 (4), 405-420.
  • Szagun, G. (1992). Children's understanding of the feeling experience and causes of sympathy. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 33 (7), 1183-1191.
  • Szagun, G. (1991). Relationships between semantic and cognitive development. In M. Grohnfeldt (Ed.), Disruptions of the Semantics (pp. 37–53). Berlin: Edition Marhold.
  • Szagun, G. (1990). The construction of mental terms using the example of the term courage. Educational Science, 18 (4), 368–381.
  • Language acquisition and language acquisition disorders. Conference report of the XVII. Work and advanced training event of the dgs from October 1st to 4th 1986 in Düsseldorf (pp. 412–430). Hamburg: Wartenberg.
  • Szagun, G. (1983). From "outer" to "inner" reality. On the meaning of some moral words. In TB Seiler & W. Wannenmacher (Eds.), Concept development and the development of word meaning (pp. 157–172). Berlin: Springer.
  • Szagun, G. (1983). Development of meaning in the child. How children discover words. Munich: Urban & Schwarzenberg.
  • Szagun, G. (1980). Language development in the child. An introduction. Munich: Urban & Schwarzenberg.
  • Szagun, G. (1979). The development of spontaneous reference to past and future: A cross-linguistic study. Berlin: Technical University, Institute for Psychology.
  • Szagun, G. (1977). Time concepts and tense forms in children's speech. In BA Geber (Ed.), Piaget and knowing: studies in genetic epistemology. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

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