Giselbert is a male name .
Origin and meaning
The name is made up of the two old high German word stems gisil (descendant of a noble sex) and bert / beraht (for known or famous).
A German short form is Gisbert .
The Romanized French form of the name is Gislebert , which over time has been shortened to Gilbert .
From this, in turn, the form Gilberto in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian is derived, as well as the Latinized form Giselbertus .
Well-known namesake
Sorted by (presumed) life span
- Giselbert von Maasgau (approx. 825–875), Count of Maasgau
- Gisalberto I of Bergamo , Count of Bergamo (922–927) and ancestor of the Gisalbertines
- Giselbert of Lorraine († 939), Duke of Lorraine
- Giselbert (Burgundy) († 956), Duke of Burgundy
- Giselbert (Moselgau) († 1004), Count of Wallerfangen
- Giselbert (Luxembourg) (1007-1059), Count of Luxembourg
- Gilbertus Crispinus (around 1046, † 1117), English theologian
- Giselbert von Admont († 1101), abbot of the Admont monastery
- Gislebertus von Autun (12th century), French sculptor
- Giselbert von Höttingen (Latin Giselbertus de Hotingen; † after 1159), son of King Konrad III.
- Giselbert (abbot of St. Blasien) († 1086), from 1068 to 1086 abbot in the monastery of St. Blasien in the southern Black Forest; Blessed
- Giselbert von Warendorf (* around 1140, † after 1201), one of the first Lübeck mayors
- Gislebert von Mons († 1224), Hennegau chronicler
- Giselbert von Brunkhorst († 1306), Archbishop of Bremen from 1273 until his death
- Giselbert Hoke (1927–2015), Austrian artist