Giuseppe Jung

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Giuseppe Jung (born March 16, 1845 in Milan ; † January 5, 1926 there ) was an Italian mathematician.

He studied mathematics with G. Battaglini in Naples (Laurea 1867) and later with Luigi Cremona in Milan, whose assistant he became at the Polytechnic. In 1873 he succeeded Bertini (who followed Cremona to Rome) at the Liceo Parini in Milan. From 1876 he taught projective geometry and graphic statics at the Polytechnic in Milan as an associate professor, from 1890 as a professor. In 1912 he retired. He also dealt with algebraic geometry, mechanics and elasticity theory and translated Rudolf Sturm's “Elements of Descriptive Geometry” into Italian (with extensions). He is the author of the article "Geometry of the Masses" in the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences .


  • GA Maggi, Rend. del R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere (2), Vol. 60, 1927, pp. 291-307

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