Giuseppe Rondoni

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Giuseppe Rondoni (born November 17, 1853 in San Miniato , † November 16, 1919 ibid) was an Italian historian. He is a contributor to the history of San Miniato.


Rondoni graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the Istituto di Studi superiore in Florence in 1877 . After graduating, he taught philosophy at the grammar school in Velletri for a year and then returned to the institute and completed his studies in literature in 1880. For the first seven years he taught classical literature at the high school in Siena and history and geography at the high school in Prato and Siena. In 1887 he applied for a chair in history and geography at the Dante grammar school in Florence and held it until the end of a career.

Rondini was President of the Accademia degli Euteleti.

In 1907 the R. Deputazione Toscana di Storia Patria appointed him a full member. In December 1917, the Valdelsa Historical Society invited Giuseppe Rondoni to take over the management of the magazine.

In several works he dealt with the history of S. Miniato al Tedesco, his native town, especially with the time when the German emperors made San Miniato the administrative center of Tuscany . In further studies he dealt intensively with the history of Siena and Florence .

His son Pietro (1882–1956) was a pathologist and cancer researcher.


  • Giuseppe Rondoni: Tradizioni Popolari E Leggende Di Un Comune Medioevale: E del Suo Contado: Siena E L'Antico Contado Senese . 2012, ISBN 978-1-286-76871-6 (Italian, reprint).
  • Giusepope Rondoni: Archivio Comunale di S. Miniato al Tedesco. Deliberazioni municipali relative al Risorgimento Nazionale . Ed .: Società Nazionale per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano (=  Il Risorgimento Italiano . Volume V ). Fratelli Bocca Editore, Milan, Turin, Rome 1912, p. 586-595 (Italian, ).
  • Giuseppe Rondoni: La Rocca di S. Miniato al Tedesco e la Morte di Pier della Vigna . In: Rivista Storica Italiana . tape V , 1888, p. 38-46 (Italian, ).
  • Giuseppe Rondoni: Un piccolo ed importante comune medievale toscano. S. Miniato al Tedesco . In: Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche (Roma, April 1-9, 1903) . tape III (Italian, Atti della Sezione II: Storia Medievale e Moderna - Metodica - Scienze Storiche Ausiliarie, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, 1906, pp. 529-531).
  • Giuseppe Rondoni: Il Franco ed esperto cavaliere knife Barone dei Mangiadori . In: Archivio Storico Italiano, Series IV . No. 10 , 1882, p. 350-361 . (Italian, ).


  1. Santini


  • Pietro Santini: Giuseppe Rondoni . In: Archivio Storico Italiano . tape 77 , no. 3/4 , 1919, p. 288-295 , JSTOR : 26234326 (Italian).

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