Creed of Michael Paleologus

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The Creed of Michael Paleologus was adopted by the Second Council of Lyon as a formula by the envoy of the Eastern Roman Emperor Michael VIII .

Thus the healing of the Eastern schism sought by the council and desired by the emperor appeared to be a success, but it met with almost unanimous resistance from the Orthodox clergy. Patriarch Joseph I Galesiotes resigned and was replaced by John Beccos , who had converted to the cause of unity. Despite John's continued intellectual defense of unity and Michael’s brutal suppression of any resistance, the vast majority of Byzantine Christians remained unforgiving of union with the Latin "heretics".

The creed was presented to the emperor by Pope Clement IV in 1267 . The first part was already before the separation of the east from Leo IX. sent to Peter of Antioch and dates back to the 5th century, the second part takes into account the conflicts with the East.


  • Klaus Schatz: General Councils - Focal Points in Church History. Schöningh, Paderborn 2008, ISBN 978-3-506-99492-9 .