Uniform continuity

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The uniform continuity is a term from analysis and extends the concept of the continuity of a function in a special way to function families .


Be and metric spaces as well as a subset of the set of functions to reproduce. The family of functions is called uniformly continuous at the point if:

The family is called equally continuous if it is equally continuous in every point .

Many authors use the term uniform continuity synonymously with uniformly uniform continuity .

In particular, each function in an equally continuous family of functions is continuous.

In the event that the family of functions were only continuous, each function of the family could have a different value. “Continuity of the same degree” means that the fluctuation of the function values ​​is limited by the same number.

This term is used both in functional analysis using the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem as a compactness criterion and in function theory , because every family of holomorphic functions locally restricted in a domain is locally uniformly continuous there, i.e. every point has a neighborhood on which the family is equally steady.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Cigler , Hans-Christian Reichel : Topology. A basic lecture. Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim (1978), ISBN 3-411-00121-6 , paragraph 5.8.
  2. ^ R. Meise, D. Vogt: Introduction to functional analysis. Vieweg, 1992, ISBN 3-528-07262-8 , sentence 4.12.
  3. Wolfgang Fischer, Ingo Lieb: Function theory. Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1980, ISBN 3-528-07247-4 , sentence IX, 6.3.