Gliese 570

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Multiple star
Gliese 570
2MASS recording of the system
2MASS recording of the system
dates equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Constellation Libra
Right ascension 14 h 57.5 m
declination -21 ° 25 ′
Spectral class K4 V
distance 19  ly
Physical Properties
Dimensions 0.76   + 0.054−0.047 M
radius 0.77   +0.09−0.15 R

0.16  L

Gliese 570 is a multiple star system in the constellation Libra , which is about 19 light years away from the Sun and thus represents a star system relatively close to Earth .

Visibility and Exploration

The star system can be seen in the night sky in the constellation Libra and was initially located at a distance of about 25 light years from the sun using the ESA Hipparcos space telescope . Initially, a triple system with a planet the size of Jupiter was assumed . More detailed investigations in the course of the 2MASS program, in particular with the help of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, showed that the distance is only around 19 light years and that the supposed planet is rather an ultra-cool brown dwarf . With a surface temperature of around 500 ° C, it is only slightly warmer than Venus and the coolest brown dwarf known to date. At approximately the size of Jupiter, it has about 50  Jupiter masses .

Star system Gliese 570

Gliese 570 A

The main star of the system, Gliese 570 A, is a main sequence star belonging to the spectral class K4 to K5. It has about 77% of the solar mass , 76% of its diameter and 15.6% of the relative luminosity .

Gliese 570 B

The second largest star in the system is a red dwarf of the spectral class M1 V, comprises about 66% solar mass with 55% solar diameter and 1.9% its luminosity.

Gliese 570 C

Is also a red dwarf and radiates with the spectral class M3 V. It has about 35% of the sun's diameter but only 0.3% of its luminosity.

Gliese 570 D

This brown dwarf of the spectral class T8 has about 50 Jupiter masses “on the scales” and only radiates in the infrared range.


The main star Gliese 570 A has a life expectancy of around 30 billion years and could thus outlive the sun by around twice as much at 11 billion years.

It would take the fastest man-made spacecraft to date , Helios 1 and 2 , approximately 82,300 years to cover the current distance between the solar system and Gliese 570.

Web links

Commons : Gliese 570  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g OSM of September 10, 2007
  2. a b astronews January 2000