Helena Glinskaja

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Helena Glinskaja (reconstruction of the face)

Helena Glinskaja ( Russian Еле́на Васи́льевна Гли́нская ; Jelena Wassiljewna Glinskaja ) (* around 1506; † April 4, 1538 in Moscow ) was the regent of Russia from 1533 to 1538 when Ivan IV was a minor .

Helena was the daughter of Prince Vasili Lwowitsch Glinski (Russian Васи́лий Львович Гли́нский) and his wife Anna from the Serbian family of Jakšić. She became the second wife of Grand Duke Vasily III. of Moscow and mother of Tsar Ivan IV.

The government principles of Helen corresponded to the principles of the time of Wassilis III. and were marked by successes. The regent's favorite, Prince Ivan Fyodorowitsch Telepnew-Ovtschina-Obolensky (Иван Фёдорович Телепнев-Овчина-Оболенский) and Metropolitan Daniil (Даниил) played a special role . It was again possible to thwart emerging separatist efforts and to include several still existing partial principalities. The Helena government also took action against the increase in monastic property. The coin reform carried out in 1535, through which a uniform monetary system was created, also gained importance. The funding it gave to Russian urban development, especially in the south of the country, also had a positive effect.

The regent took a strong hand against the growing opposition. There were also successes in foreign policy, as the peace treaty with Lithuania from 1536 and the neutralization of Sweden made clear. In April 1538 she died suddenly; they were said to have poisoned boyars . The following period from 1538 to 1547 was marked by the rule of influential boyar families.


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Commons : Helena Glinskaja  - collection of images, videos and audio files