Glory of St. Rochus of Montpellier

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Glory of St.  Rochus of Montpellier (Jacopo Tintoretto)
Glory of St. Rochus of Montpellier
Jacopo Tintoretto , 1564
Oil on canvas
240 × 360 cm
Scuola Grande di San Rocco

The Glory of Saint Roch is a mural by Jacopo Tintoretto that hangs on the ceiling of the Sala dell'Albergo in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice .


On May 31, 1564, the council of the Scuola Grande di San Rocco announced a competition in which, in addition to Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese , Giuseppe Salviati and others participated. But instead of the sketch, as the competition had intended, Tintoretto showed a complete painting, which caused a scandal and surprised both competitors and clients. The council was not satisfied with this, but Tintoretto only replied that this was his way of drawing and that he was ready to donate it to the school. This could not refuse the school and on June 29, 1564 the competition was canceled.

Size, shape

The oil painting is 240 cm high and 360 cm long and painted on canvas .


This picture has a bold upward perspective and consists of a successful composition of St. Roch , God and the angels.