Go Bundesliga

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The Go-Bundesliga is the German team championship for the game Go . It is organized annually by the German Go Association and is currently divided into 5 leagues, some of which are multi-tiered.

The winner of the first division has been the official German team champion since 2006 .

The team fights mainly take place over the Internet on the KGS go server in the "Deutsche Ecke" room, but also on Pandanet . The teams are each named after a location in Germany. Each team has 4 players. Typically, the 9 game days take place on a monthly basis. In the current season (2018-2019) 73 teams took part.

The list of the first-placed (and thus from the 2005-2006 season also German Go team champions):

season master
2004-2005 Karlsruhe
2005-2006 Hamburg-Hebsacker
2006-2007 Karlsruhe
2007-2008 Karlsruhe
2008-2009 Karlsruhe
2009-2010 Karlsruhe
2010-2011 Hamburg-Hebsacker
2011–2012 Hamburg-Hebsacker
2012-2013 Berlin zebra penguins 1
2013-2014 Berlin zebra penguins 1
2014-2015 HH-Pauli
2015-2016 Hamburg-Hebsacker
2016-2017 Igoist Berlin
2017-2018 Berlin zebra penguins 1
2018-2019 ai-sensei zebra penguins Berlin

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Go-Bundesliga tournament regulations. Retrieved June 2, 2019 .
  2. Bundesliga manager. Retrieved June 2, 2019 .