Gold belly indication

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Gold belly indication
Gold belly indication (Cercocebus chrysogaster) with young animal

Gold belly indication ( Cercocebus chrysogaster ) with young animal

Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Cheekbones monkey (Cercopithecinae)
Tribe : Baboons (Papionini)
Genre : White-eyed Mangaben ( Cercocebus )
Type : Gold belly indication
Scientific name
Cercocebus chrysogaster
Lydekker , 1900

The golden-bellied mangabey ( Cercocebus chrysogaster ) is in Central Africa living primate species belonging to the family of the Cercopithecidae belongs (Cercopithecidae).


The gold belly indications are similar to the closely related olive indications . The head-torso length is 40 to 62 centimeters, with the male being larger than the female. The tail is 45 to 76 centimeters long. The female weighs 4.5 to 7 kilograms, the male 7 to 13 kilograms. The fur is olive-green or brown-green on the upper side, the eponymous underside is yellowish or bright orange.

distribution and habitat

Distribution area

Gold belly indications are endemic to the tropical rainforests in the Congo Basin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo . Presumably, they prefer forests near water that are seasonally flooded. The Congo River forms the western border of their distribution area, north of the Congo live the Olivm indications.

Way of life

Little is known about the way of life of these animals, it probably corresponds to that of other white-eyed mangabies. Like all old world monkeys, they are diurnal and live both on the ground and in the trees, where they often look for food near the ground. Several males and females with their young live in a group of up to 35 animals. In addition to sounds, they also use body signals to communicate with each other, which contain special postures and facial expressions.

The diet consists of fruits, leaves, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, insects and small birds.

The female is sexually mature at around three years of age, the male at five to seven years . After a gestation period of 164 to 175 days, only one young is usually born. The animal reaches an age of approximately 30 years.


The main threat to gold belly indications is the destruction of their habitat and hunting for their meat ( bushmeat ). Exact details are not possible, the IUCN lists them under "insufficient data" ( data deficient ).


The gold belly indication is included in the genus of the white-eyed mangaben ( Cercocebus ). It has only been recognized as an independent species since 2001, before it was considered a subspecies of the olivm indication (as Cercocebus agilis chrysogaster ). The olive indication in turn is sometimes viewed as a subspecies of the hood indication , which is why the scientific name Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster is sometimes found.


  • Thomas Geissmann: Comparative Primatology. Springer, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-540-43645-6 .
  • Don E. Wilson, DeeAnn M. Reeder (Eds.): Mammal Species of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 .

Web links

Commons : Gold Belly Indication  - Collection of images, videos and audio files