Golsch (unit)

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Golsch , Kolsch and Kölsch, were only used in a few parts of Upper Germany as a common word for a special kind of bark with blue stripes. The word was particularly common in Ulm and the surrounding area, as this was the focus for the production of these special fabrics. The fabric was also called Gällischer Zwilch (derived from Gaul ) because it is said to have been a French or " wälsche " invention. Derivation of the term from Upper German "Külle", "Kölsche" is assumed, compare also Kelsch . The blue stripes in the fabric are associated with blue welts from blows.

A concept of measure developed from this fabric. A piece of Golsch, which was simply called "a Golsch", had 72 cubits . The larger piece unit of measurement was the barrel.

  • 1 Golsch = 1 piece of cloth with 72 old Ulm cubits = 40.93 meters
  • 1 barrel of Golschen = 30 pieces.


  • Jürgen Elert Kruse : General and especially Hamburg Contorist, who knows the currencies, coins, weights, measures, types of exchange and customs of the most distinguished cities and countries in and outside Europe. Verlag der Erben des Verfassers , Hamburg 1808, p. 369 Press, 2005, ISBN 0-192-82430-9
  • Johann Georg Krünitz, Friedrich Jakob Floerken, Heinrich Gustav Flörke, Johann Wilhelm David Korth, Carl Otto Hoffmann, Ludwig Kossarski: Economic Encyclopedia. Volume 19, Joachim Pauli, Berlin 1810, p. 584
  • German dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm. Trier Center for Digital Humanities / Competence Center for Electronic Cataloging and Publication Processes in the Humanities at Trier University 1998–2011, Volume 8
  • Marcus Rudolf Balthasar Gerhardt: General clerk or, in the most recent and present times, the usual coin, measure and weight constitution of all countries and trading cities. Volume 1, Arnold Wever, Berlin 1791, p. 386
  • Brockhaus' Kleines Konversations-Lexikon. 5th edition, Volume 1. Leipzig 1911, p. 698