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Kelsch, collection of the Musée alsacien in Strasbourg .

Kelsch is a typical Alsatian linen fabric . The name is derived from "Kölsch", as the colors came from Cologne at the time of Charlemagne , where the woad plant was picked and traded to dye it blue. The street name "Waidmarkt" has been preserved in Cologne to this day.

Various checked patterns are created from natural-colored linen yarn and red and / or blue threads. These fabrics were processed into tablecloths, bed linen and other household textiles.

Today the Kelsch weaving mill is only carried out in two factories. One is a traditional weaving mill in Muttersholtz , the other a hand weaving mill in Sentheim .

See also

Commons : Kelsch in Musée alsacien, Strasbourg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gander in Muttersholtz: The last Kelsch weaver , report on the last Kelsch weaver in Alsace
  2. [1] Atelier de Tissage Kelsch (French)
  3. [2] (PDF; 649 kB) Report in the Swedish VÄV magazine (English)