Gottfried Krafft

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Gottfried Krafft (also Dutch Graaft , or Godefroi Krafft ) was a gem cutter from Gdansk .

Lorenz Natter named him in his Traité de la méthode ... as his student. Francisco Victorio wrote about his name in his Dissertatio glyptographica from 1735.

"Godefridus Graaftt Vir Hanseaticus, qui difficultate nominis pronunciandi apud nos Italos, vulgo nuncupatur il Tedesco , a regione, qua Romam perrexit, antonomasticum nomen adeptus"

"Godefridus Graaftt, a Hanseatic who caused difficulties for us Italians in pronouncing [his name], was therefore generally called il Tedesco , after the region from which he came to Rome"

So it came about that in Rome , where he worked in 1750, he was called in Italian il Tedesco 'The German' . But this was more due to the habit of Italians, especially artists, to refer to each other by their baptismal name or by their homeland. According to Rudolf Erich Raspe , who bought a cameo with the head of Augustus from him , he worked in the manner of Anton Pichler .


Individual evidence

  1. Francesco Vettori: Dissertatio Glyptographica sive gemma II vetustiss . Rome 1739, p. 96 ( ).
  2. Rudolf Erich Raspe, James Tassie, John Murray, David Allan, Christopher Buckton: A descriptive catalog of a general collection of ancient and modern engraved gems, cameos as well as intaglios, taken from the most celebrated cabinets in Europe and cast in colored pastes , white enamel, and sulfur, by James Tassie, modeller . J. Murray, C. Buckton, London 1791, p. 627–628 (English, French, text archive - Internet Archive ).