Gottfried de Hegghe

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Gottfried de Hegghe (* 14th century in Dorsten ; † 15th century , mostly also as Gottfried de Dursten or Gottfried de Dorsten) was a German theologian and Cologne professor.

Live and act

Gottfried de Hegghe studied at the medieval University of Cologne from 1402 , where he became a university professor and at the same time headed the local Bursa Corneliana from 1410 to 1420 . In the winter semester of 1413/1414 he was rector of the university and in 1416 dean of the artist faculty . He took part in the Council of Constance as one of four deputies from the University of Cologne. He is in the acts of the council several times in the deposition of the antipope Benedict XIII. mentioned.



  • Julius Evelt: Reports on some learned Westphalians of the 15th century . In: Westfälische Zeitschrift , Vol. 21 (1861), there pp. 265 f., 286, 294.