Trust in God

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Under trust in God is meant primarily the confidence of the people of God and his actions. In part, this also means trusting God's creation, i. H. To see God's work in every living being, whether human, animal or plant , and to enjoy it.

Trust in God in Christianity

From a Christian point of view, trust in God means: to recognize God's love as all-embracing and to place your own trust in God's hands, to live the three main Christian virtues of faith , hope and love yourself and to pass them on to others.

Often times, Christians consciously place their lives in the hands of the crucified and risen Jesus Christ , trusting in his goodness and care and the hope of eternal life.

In addition, trust in God also means in God's Word, i.e. H. to believe in the Bible and thus in the resurrection of Jesus Christ , as well as the forgiveness of sins possible through him .

In more recent spirituality , especially since Therese von Lisieux , the idea of ​​being a child of God has become more important. The communion with Christ founded in baptism , as the eternal word of the heavenly Father made man, should therefore determine daily life as real, reliable trust in God's benevolent guidance.

Trust in God in the Bible

In the second book of kings , an example of king Hezekiah is reported: "He did what was right in the sight of the LORD, just like his father David. He removed the high places and broke the stone marks and cut down the image of Asherah and smashed the brazen serpent Moses made them, for up to that time their Israel had been smoking incense, and they were called Nehushhtan: he trusted the LORD God of Israel, so that there was no like among all the kings of Judah after him, nor was there before him Approaching the LORD and not deviating from him, he kept his commandments which the LORD commanded Moses: and the LORD was with him, and he succeeded in all that he had in mind: and he turned away from the king of Assyria and was to him no longer subject. He also smote the Philistines as far as Gaza and its territory, from the watchtowers to the fortified cities "(2 Kings 18: 1-8).

Trust in God in other religions

There is also devotion in various other religions , in Islam, for example, devotion to Allah and his Prophet, in Judaism, trust in YHWH ; trust in God is called Bitachon in Hebrew .

In Eastern religions, for example in Buddhism , Confucianism or Daoism , there is trust and devotion to becoming and passing away and reincarnation (rebirth) or to a natural order (such as Dao ).

In some ethnic religions there is the ideal of living in harmony with nature and trust in the natural order of things - a different kind of trust in higher powers.


Trust in God should exclude fear , especially of damnation and the end of the world . The atheism approves of religion as a psychological phenomenon sometimes too that it is a function of consolation performers. In contrast, however, personal truthfulness dictates accepting the finiteness of all things.

Individual evidence

  1. What is Bitachon (Trust) in Gd?

Web links

Wiktionary: Trust in God  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations