Grønn Ungdom

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Logo, 2013

Grønn Ungdom (short GU; nynorsk : Grøn Ungdom ; German : Green Youth ) is the youth organization of the Norwegian party Miljøpartiet De Grønne . The speakers are Hulda Holtvedt and Teodor Bruu . The association was founded in 1996.


The organization has the same political program as its parent party. She speaks out in favor of the end of the oil and gas search in the Norwegian sea area. In addition, the Norwegian oil industry is to be scaled back and eventually discontinued. In June 2019, the National Assembly proposed a system whereby every Norwegian could only be a passenger on three flights a year and a fixed fee would have to be paid for each flight.

In the area of ​​immigration policy, the association advocates that asylum seekers should more easily obtain a work permit. Grønn Ungdom also advocates a ban on retouched advertising that creates an unrealistic ideal of the body.


The board of directors of the organization consists of two speakers and a general secretary. The two speakers are always of different sexes. Grønn Ungdom is a member of the Federation of Young European Greens and the International Green Youth .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bente Kjøllesdal: Green Ungdom is not downstairs to dump moderpartiet in øyra. In: Framtida. November 27, 2018, accessed August 11, 2020 (Norwegian).
  2. Olav Garvik: Grønn Ungdom . In: Store norske leksikon . December 5, 2019 (Norwegian, [accessed August 11, 2020]).
  3. Grønn Ungdom vil innføre kvote: Tre flyreiser i året for hver nordmann. Dagsavisen, June 16, 2019, accessed August 11, 2020 (Norwegian).
  4. Innvandring and Integrering. Grønn Ungdom, accessed August 11, 2020 (Norwegian).
  5. Likestilling og including. Grønn Ungdom, accessed August 11, 2020 (Norwegian).
  6. Om oss - Grønn Ungdom. Grønn Ungdom, accessed August 11, 2020 (Norwegian).