Greenish-yellow woolly ram

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Greenish-yellow woolly ram
Greenish-yellow ram

Greenish-yellow ram

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Longhorn beetle (Cerambycidae)
Subfamily : Cerambycinae
Genre : Chlorophorus
Type : Greenish-yellow woolly ram
Scientific name
Chlorophorus herbstii
( Brahm , 1790)

The Greenish Yellow mullein Aries Bock or Greenish Yellow Aries Bock ( Chlorophorus herbstii ) is a beetle of the family of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae).


The beetles are 8 to 15 millimeters long. The top is hairy gray-green or yellow-green. The underside is the same color, in contrast to Chlorophorus pilosus . You have the elytra but bind like not-knit black spots, in contrast to Clorophorus varius .

Chlorophorus herbsti front.jpg
Chlorophorus herbsti side.jpg
Chlorophorus herbsti natur.jpg


They live in loose bushes in warm places and can be found from May to September. They are rare.

Way of life

The larvae develop in dead hardwood (especially linden ), preferably in trees that have been killed by bark beetle infestation .

Hazard and protection

  • Red List Bavaria: 2 (endangered)
  • Red list of endangered animals in Germany: 2 (endangered)


Web links

Commons : Greenish-yellow woolly ram ( Chlorophorus herbstii )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files